Page 35 of Let's Play
“What if it doesn’t? What if we’re only meant to be friends? I don’t want to lose you.”
“That will never happen. Do you understand me?” His lips ghost over mine. “We’ll take this slow, okay? One day at a time.”
He breaks away long enough for our gazes to lock. A silent promise is transmitted between us before his lips return, wiping away the doubts that have mushroomed up inside me.
“We won’t take this any further until you’re ready.”
Relief floods through me as I nod.
In order for a romantic relationship to have any chance of succeeding, that’s exactly what needs to happen. And it gives me hope that we’re both on the same page.
Chapter Eight
“Dude, you need to settle,” Rowan says, walking past on the way to his locker.
I roll my head from side to side as if that will alleviate the nerves eating away at my insides.
“What’s up with him?”
From the corner of my eye, I catch Rowan nodding toward me.
Brayden, who’s in the middle of getting dressed, sends a speculative glance in my direction.
“If I had to guess, I’d say it was a female.”
The quarterback glances at me. “Is that right? Who’s the lucky—or maybe I should say unlucky—girl?”
Like I’m going to answer that question.
If I know these assholes—and I do—they’ll bust my balls if they realize who has me worked up into a series of complicated little knots, and then I’ll never hear the end of it. Although, if any of my teammates should understand, it would be these two. Both of them have fallen hard and fast.
When Brayden grins like a Cheshire cat, the conversation we had the other night slams into me full force.
Well, hell.
“E has a hard-on for Sasha.”
Rowan’s brows rise at that bit of information. “No way.”
I glare at Brayden for turning something important into nothing more than a joke. That’s the last thing I need. Practice ran over by twenty minutes and I’m already late to pick her up for our date. I’m doing my best to prove that not only can we be the best of friends, but lovers as well. Sasha has always been my everything. I feel like a complete idiot for not seeing how perfect we were for each other sooner. I don’t know what the hell I’d been thinking. Maybe I should thank Ryder for forcing me to confront the feelings that have been brewing for a while now.
On second thought...
“My guess is that Clark has it bad.” He yanks up his boxers before glancing my way. “I assume you straightened out your situation the other night?”
Disappointment settles on Rowan’s face as he shakes his head. “Looks like I owe Demi twenty bucks. She figured it wouldn’t be much longer before you two realized that you were more than friends.”
My mouth tumbles open. “Are you serious?”
He shrugs. “Yeah, she called it about a month ago. I told her she was crazy, but apparently that girl can see things I don’t.”
How the hell could Demi realize what was going on when I couldn’t?
Rowan claps me on the shoulder, drawing my attention back to him. “Anyway man, congrats. Sasha’s a cool chick.”