Page 46 of Let's Play
“There’s my sweet girl! Can you go take that couple in the back order while I ring up this gentleman?” She asks in her sweet voice.
“Yes ma’am.” I answer as I get to work.
Getting to the ball park where the all star team is practicing, I stay out of sight just to watch for a few minutes. This is the best way to catch things the kids may need a little work on.
One boy in particular stands out from the rest. He seems to have a natural talent for the game. As he steps up to the plate though I notice his stance is a little off. It’s not a huge issue as long as it is corrected. I have the perfect solution for it in one of my bags.
It’s a stance trainer. There’s quite a few on the market but they truly do work. When you practice standing the correct way, eventually your body will do it automatically.
Sonny Richardson finally notices me before anyone else does. He’s the reason I was invited to coach this all-star team. We’ve been friends since we first met in college. While my baseball career took off, he finished up law school.
About a year ago, I came down wrong on one of my knees during a game. It messed it up pretty good. Even after surgery I knew I would never be able to go back to playing the game I loved.
Sonny is the one that planted the seed into my head about teaching the game to the younger generation. Not that I needed a job or anything. I’ve made enough during my short career and invested it well so that I am set for life.
“I was wondering when you would get here.” He says, walking up beside me.
“I’ve been here for a few minutes. I just wanted to watch the boys without them knowing that I’m here already. I figure they’ll try too hard to impress me when I really just need to watch for anything they may need more work on.” I explain, still watching the boy at the plate.
“That’s actually a good idea.” He laughs a little.
“Who’s the kid at the plate? I noticed him as soon as I got here. He’s got some natural talent.” I ask with interest.
“That would be Max Ross. He’s a damn fine little ball player, but I wouldn’t count on him staying on the team.” He comments with the shake of his head.
“Why is that?” I ask, wondering if there is a problem with the boy's home life.
“The boosters will cut anyone who can’t afford the fees for the all star league. His mom works at a diner. Her name is Rebeccah but she goes by Becky. The other moms will take great delight in her not being able to afford it.” He explains as we continue to watch.
“So you brought me into a vipers nest.” I laugh.
“You can handle them. Personally, I hope she does get all the funds to cover his fees. Serve those bitches right. He’s the best player on the team as it is, although they would try to argue that fact.”
“Why not just do fundraisers to help the kids get all the money?” I ask but I am sure I already know the answer.
I know these types of people because it’s what I grew up with. My family was one of the poorest in my hometown. I was ridiculed constantly at school but I absolutely dominated the baseball field.
“That would be what others would do. But if they did that, then it’s possible anyone could be let on the team.” He confirms my suspicion.
“People are jackasses.” I growl.
“You are certainly right about these jackasses.” He whispers back.
Chapter 2
About an hour into my shift a few of the women I went to school with walk in. As much as I would like to ignore them, I’m the only waitress here at the moment.
“Can I take your order?” I say as politely as I can.
“Three hamburgers with fries on the side and tea to drink. Try not to get your greasy hair in it.” Karen quickly says with a sneer.
Not wanting to give her the reaction I know she is looking for, I walk away from the table to give Harry the order.