Page 54 of Let's Play
Which is why quite a few will be pissed off this evening when they find out that Max would not be cut from the team. Besides, he was the best player the team had.
Heading to the kitchen, I remember that I still haven’t yet gone grocery shopping. Luckily, I brought coffee with me when I moved so I don’t have to skip having a cup before heading out this morning.
I’ll swing by the cafe for breakfast. Besides, not having groceries gives me another excuse to see Becky again. Hopefully, she’s at work this morning. If she’s not, I’ll find a way to see her after practice. Even if I have to volunteer to take Max home myself.
Before I can head out the door, my phone rings. Looking down I see that it is my dad. With a smile, I answer.
“Well did you get all moved in?” My dad’s gruff voice booms across the line.
“Yes, sir. All moved in. I’ve not gone grocery shopping yet though so I was just headed out to the local diner for some breakfast.” I answer.
“Hmm, why do you sound happy about going to the diner?” He asks with a chuckle.
With his question I hear my mom in the background as she scrambles to get the other cordless phone from the bedroom.
“Did you meet someone?” Mom asks breathlessly like she ran to the phone.
“Geez, mom. You didn’t have to run.” Dad and I chuckle at the same time.
“Well, have you?” She demands.
“Sort of. Her son is on the team. Really great kid and an amazing ball player. You should see him dad. Natural talent like you wouldn’t believe.” I talk quickly.
“He’s changing the subject, Dan.” Mom huffs.
“I noticed, dear.” He answers back.
“He’s so hardheaded. Just like you Dan.” Mom says.
“Like me? I know all too well he definitely gets that from his mother!” Dad lightly growls back.
“You two know I am still on the phone right?” I ask, shaking my head.
These two have always gone back and forth with each other, always in good fun. They are the best parents anyone could have in my own opinion.
Dad worked a lot when I was younger just to keep a roof over our heads but he always made a point to be there for anything important.
I remember mom staying up late on some nights waiting for him to come home from work just so she could warm his supper up for him. Dad would always tell her she should have gone to bed. That he was perfectly capable of warming up his food.
I know he loved that she continued to do so anyway despite his protests. I would often hear them talking and laughing for several hours until I finally fell asleep.
That’s the kind of love I want in my life. I think I’ve found the perfect woman to have that with. I just need to convince her of it. The more I get to know her, the more I feel for her in my heart.
I stay on the phone with my parents for a few more minutes before heading out the door. They both promised to come visit later next week. I can’t wait to introduce them to Becky and Max. They’ll fall in love with them just as I expect that I am doing as well.
The kiss I shared with Brian last night has been a huge distraction since I got up this morning and it hasn’t gotten better since being at work. I’ve mixed up several orders this morning causing some of the regulars to give me a strange look.
I’m just finishing up cleaning one of the vacant tables when the door opens with a jingle from the bell. Looking up, I see Karen and James walking in.
My heart begins to hammer in my chest at the thought of having to serve the two of them. It’s bad enough when Karen comes in with her friends but to have to deal with James is something I do not want to do.
I try to walk quickly to the back so that I can get Martha to wait on their table before they see me. I think I am home free until Karen opens her fat mouth.
“Well there she is.” Karen says loudly.