Page 58 of Let's Play
“Come for me baby.” I whisper, kissing her deeply again.
She moans into my mouth as I feel her core go tighter than before. My body recognising that she’s coming, my cock twitches once more before I release all I’ve got with a roar.
We lay connected for several long minutes before I get up to get rid of the condom. When I come back to the bed, she’s fast asleep. Pulling her close to me, I cover us both with the blanket and fall asleep with her in my arms.
Chapter 7
I wake to the smell of breakfast being cooked and voices in the kitchen. Turning to Brian’s side of the bed, I see that he is still asleep next to me. With my heart beating quickly, I gently shake him awake.
“Brian, someone’s in the kitchen!” I whisper to him.
He raises his head, listening for a few seconds before laying his head back down.
“It’s just my parents.” He says, trying to pull me closer.
“You’re parents? Oh my god, what if they see us like this?” I begin to panic, climbing from the bed to hunt for my clothes until I hear him laughing at me. “Why are you laughing? This is serious!” I look at him wondering if he’s gone mad.
He gets out of the bed in his glorious naked state, walking over to me before wrapping his arms around me and kissing my nose.
“We aren’t teenagers that need to hide. Besides, my parents already know about you.” He says, walking towards the bathroom.
He doesn’t understand that his statement is what truly bothers me. What if they know about all the rumors that circle around this town about me? They will hate me for sure.
Trying to hold back tears at the thought. I get dressed quickly. Looking at myself in the mirror, I sigh at the wrinkled state my dress is in.
Brian walks back out of the bathroom, heading towards the closet.
“Do you have a pair of sweats I could borrow and a t-shirt?” I ask, bringing his eyes back to me.
“You can borrow anything I have, sweetheart. Check the drawers over there. Should be some sweats in the top drawer and my shirt’s are hanging in the closet.” He answers.
He comes right back out a few minutes later wearing a pair of jeans and a tight fitting black shirt.
“Come to the kitchen when you are ready.” He hugs me to him, kissing me deeply before heading out the door.
I take my time, in no rush to face his parents who may already dislike me.
“Will life ever be easier?” I ask out loud knowing full well that life is never easy.
I find both of my parents in the kitchen. Mom of course is at the stove making breakfast while dad stands next to her trying to sneak bacon when she isn’t looking.
“I thought you two weren’t going to get here until later today?” I ask with a smile, grabbing their attention.
“There’s my sweet boy.” My moves to hug me and dad takes the opportunity to stuff more bacon pieces into his mouth.
“If you don’t stop stealing all the bacon, there isn’t going to be enough for that sweet young lady once she comes out of that room.” Mom says to dad with her hands on her hips.
“There’s plenty, woman! Surely she isn’t going to eat five pounds of bacon on her own.” Dad says with his mouth full pointing to the plate that is piled high with it.
I just laugh, shaking my head at them.
“And how exactly do the two of you know that she is even here?” I ask, grabbing a cup to get some coffee that I am sure dad made.