Page 83 of Let's Play
“That color is brilliant!” Aversion. The chances of seeing him were slim. The campus was huge, and he probably took those special classes reserved for athletes. Even if he saw me, it would probably be like the times in the coffee shop. He wouldn’t pay me a dime of attention.
“Nuh-uh! I asked you a question, lady.” She moved to work on my other hand.
“I don’t know.” I answered as honestly as I could. My heart raced just thinking about the possibility of seeing him.
“When we saw him in the library, you said you weren’t ready. Are you ready now that things have settled down a bit?”
Was I? Would I ever be?
Who the hell knows…
“Either way. You’re gunna look hot after this makeover.”
The timer beeped. Lucy unwrapped the plastic shower cap she’d placed over my head. The room grew eerily quiet. Rosie and Lucy moved strands around, carefully examining the color.
The two shuffled behind me.
“Everything okay?” I asked.
No reply. A tube squeezed and a bottle of liquid shook.
“What’s going on?” Please don’t be another catastrophe.
“No buena.” They began whispering behind me.
“Deberíamos decírselo?” I need to take a course in Spanish next semester. What could be worse than losing your dad, moving away, running away from a creepy old dude, sleeping in the woods, being invisible to your first love… anything that could possibly go wrong already had.
Yeah, right…
“We’re going to have to try again.” Lucy replied.
“The color is duller than I had hoped.”
I tried to jump up to grab the mirror. Rosie pushed me back into the chair.
“No peeking.”
Chapter 8
“Dude! Look at that chic. Looks like she took white sidewalk chalk and covered her face in it, and bro! Her hair… are the red highlights supposed to look like fire or are they covering a shitty color job?” First day of class and Adam was already picking on the girls.
It was just like pre-k when the bratty kid from down the street told Amy Sue piggy tails gave her horns like the devil. Adam and I didn’t grow up in the same town, but I was no stranger to his type.
“I don’t know, man. Her button nose is kind of cute.” The girl looked as if she’d seen better days. All the pale make-up in the world couldn’t hide the bags under her eyes. Something about her felt familiar. Had we bet before?
She was cute in her own little way. Her black cargo pants and combat boots screamed, “keep away.” Yet, her blue shirt hugged her body like a glove, showing off her delicious curves.
This woman was fierce and delicate, all at the same time. The way the corner of her eyes lifted ever so slightly as she examined the room, made the shadows on her face smaller.
“Ten bucks says you won’t talk to her. Twenty if you get her number.” Yep. Just like the other dipshits I grew up with.
“Nah, man. His heart is reserved for one girl. He talks about her at least once every practice. Lay off him, man.” Luke was my roommate, QB1, and new best friend.
Playing for Georgia State had been a lifelong dream that was finally coming true. My biggest role model of all time, Meghan’s dad, played at Georgia State. When I was little, all I wanted was to play on his team–to follow in his footsteps. He may not have made it to watch me play in his stadium, and his daughter may not be here to wear my jersey. Still, I made it, and I couldn’t be prouder of the hard work, practice, and dedication it took to get to this point in my life.
“Make it a hundred bucks if you can convince her to make-out with you. Pics or it didn’t happen.” Fucking prick. How Adam even got into the friend group, I’ll never really know.