Page 98 of Let's Play
“Yep.” I turned to face the jock. I may have made a mistake by being at the party, but I wasn’t a weakling. Whoever this idiot was, was about to face my true colors.
“Figures. I told Chase you wouldn’t stick. You don’t belong with us.” Touchdown, asshat!
Typical fucking asshole player... I’d met quite a few of those in my lifetime. Like Jake, the one who dared Wesley to take me under the bleachers. He took me, but a bloody nose was his only prize. Then there was Bo. He started a rumor that I led a brothel that only serviced the varsity football team. The next day the whole school found out just how tiny his dick really was. I even had pictures for evidence.
“I mean, honestly, where did you think your relationship would end? Married with a white picket fence? Chase is headed for the NFL. And you? You're not exactly tabloid ready.” He slowly scanned my body like I was a five-point buck he wanted to kill.
“White’s not exactly my color.” I stepped into his chest. “Want to know a little secret?”
He leaned into me, letting my lips get closer to his ear.
“Ever heard of Charles Foster? I whispered, my breath fanning gently across his ear.
He nodded.
“He was my dad.” He tried to pull back, but I locked my hands on his neck to keep him in place. “I killed him.” The sorry excuse for a human stiffened in my hands. With a quick shift, I lifted my knee straight to his junk.
He cowered in pain.
“Nice chat,” I said, before walking away from the party and any ideas of a future with Chase.
Me: Terrible idea. Coming home… alone.
Rosie: I have wine, and fresh pico de gallo.
Rosie met me at the door in her fuzzy rabbit pajamas with a bottle of wine and a straw. “Tell me everything.”
“Do I have to?” I asked. Talking was the last thing I wanted to do. I snatched the bottle from her hands and took a nice, long swig. Fuck the straw; I’ll take it as is.
She rolled her eyes and slumped onto the couch. “Fine. Movie night?”
Rosie flipped through the array of options on Netflix. Lovey dovey movies filled the screen. Where are all the scary thrillers when you needed them? I’d take chainsaws and hard-core villains over Ben Affleck and Jennifer Aniston any day of the week. Especially today.
Rosie clicked on a movie I hadn’t watched before. In the intro, some creepy dude was enticing a young woman into the car. We were just getting to a gory part when a knock at the door made Rosie and I jump.
Rosie made the sign of the cross over her chest like she always did when she had any kind of strong emotions.
I couldn’t help but laugh on my way over to the door.
A murderer would have been easier to deal with than a broody Chase standing on the porch.
“You left me.” He lowered his brows.
I shifted my hands to my hips. “You were pre-occupied.”
“Mm-hmm..” Rosie added from the couch. She jumped up and pressed herself against my back, ready to attack at a moment’s notice. “We don’t whatever it is you’re selling.”
“You left me. Not the other way around. Then Jarod came out of nowhere blubbering you killed someone. What the fuck, Grey?”
Rosie smacked me on the back. “You never told me you killed someone, Chica. I got a list you can get started on next.” She full on glared at Chase. I swore, her eyes would burn a hole straight through him.
“No, I didn’t really kill anyone. He was being an ass, so I taught him a lesson.” I shrugged. “You had plenty of other girls to talk to. You didn’t need me lingering in the background.” I opened the door wider. The mosquitos were pretty bad that time of night, particularly when there was an afternoon rain. Which was pretty much every day in southeast Georgia. “You comin’ in?”
“The only person I wanted to talk to in that room was you. I turned around to introduce you to Luke, our quarterback, but you were gone. Fucking ghosted at my own party.” He leaned back against the porch post, crossing his legs and arms.
“Do you know how long she spent getting ready for your date?” Rosie shoved past me, out of the door. Guess the mosquitos are the only one coming in… “You don’t even know what you’re missing. You wouldn’t even know what you had standing in front of you. You’ve got your head so far up your ass, you can’t even see the truth. La amaste una vez. Estás arruinando tu única oportunidad de una segunda oportunidad. Grey is Meg–”