Page 84 of Whiskey
“Wow.” I nodded, impressed at her ability to adjust so well. “That didn’t take long.”
“Nope, but that’s Lexi. I wouldn’t be shocked if she had it all lined up before she decided to leave Keith and their kids.”
“Yeah.” He turned and picked up a piece of metal and fitted it into a hole in the chopper. “Between us, I never totally trusted her. I wanted to, but she never fit the mold the other wives did. When you marry us, you marry all of us.” He smirked. “Yeah, no, I just heard how that came out.” He scrunched up his face. “I just mean you’re choosing more than just marriage. It’s a whole way of life. Yes, you have your husband, but you also gain a tight-knit family where we all look out for one another. Your entire life becomes part of the whole, and even your job has to be here. So far, that’s worked for everyone but her.”
“There’s normally always one that doesn’t work in most things.”
“Yeah,” his arms dropped, “I get that it isn’t for everyone. I just hate that it destroyed my best friend’s heart.” I nodded. What he said was exactly what had happened.
“Well,” I tried to sound upbeat, “at least he has an incredible family to help him get through it.”
“That he does.” He smiled at me. “So?”
“So, what about you Doc? What do you think of living here?” I studied him a moment and handed back the dime. He lifted an eyebrow.
“I’m using it as a loan. I’ll square up back at the house.” I cleared my mind and went with the truth since he was so honest with me. “I love it here. I never thought I could get the city out of me, but honestly, I haven’t thought about it once. Redstone is gorgeous, the property is endless, everyone is so kind and loving.” I rubbed my face. “I feel safe here, given what happened back…” I stopped the next word that sat on my tongue, and my eyes shot to him.
“What happened back where?” His expression changed.
“I just mean, it’s a nice change from my old life.” I forced a smile and looked around.
“You know, Ivy, all the wives have been through something. Shit, we’re all victims of something—”
“Yeah, no, I know.” I wrapped my arms around myself. “They’ve mentioned that before.”
“Does Ty know whatever it is you’re holding inside?”
“Ty?” I shook my head. “Why would he?”
“No one plows another man’s face like he did without feelings behind it.”
The conversation had gotten away from me, so I needed to change direction quickly.
“Yeah, what the hell was that all about? Because I haven’t gotten anything out of Ty.”
“Your loan just ran out.” He smiled.
“Mark, I would never pry, but it did involve me.”
He squeezed his eyes shut and cursed while he thought for a moment. “You’re right, it did, but it’s Ty shit to share, Ivy.”
“Fine.” I backed off.
“But I will say it’s bigger than just a jealous punch. There’s some real ugly around that topic.”
“Now that, I understand.” I nodded, backing up. “Thanks, Mark.”
“Any time, Ivy.”
I walked the rest of the way back to the house. I needed to buy time for my head to digest everything Mark shared with me.
“Ivy!” Easton raced up the hill and tossed his little Logan arms around my waist. “I was looking for you.”
“You were? Well, now you found me.”