Page 77 of Grim
“Maybe I’m stepping over a line here, but I see some things Cameron does that I don’t agree with, especially when it comes to you and Calli.” I dipped my head in embarrassment at his words. “Why do you think he’s so hard on you?”
“Is this a bonding moment?” I shifted uncomfortably.
“Maybe Cameron just doesn’t want you to get involved in his work. He deals with some pretty nasty people. Could be his way of protecting you.”
“And all along I thought it was because I didn’t want to get involved. Guess his asking me to contact Trigger is an exception?” I lifted a brow, calling bullshit on him. “You’re smart, Simon, but you’re wrong on this one, and trust me when I say, my father has involved me in his work on many occasions.” I blinked away the worst of the memories. “There’s a reason Calli’s his favorite and not me. I won’t bend to whatever game he wants me to play. He’s tried in the past, but I won’t steamroll over other people for personal gain.”
“Maybe you’re right,” he rubbed his chin, “but has he ever asked you to do something like this before?” No. He hasn’t. “All I’m saying is he’s in trouble and has asked you for help. He’s involving you because he doesn’t have a choice.”
I could feel Grim’s eyes on me from across the way, so I met his gaze. The woman and his brother had left, and he stared as he sucked on a joint. Two men next to him were in conversation, but he only seemed to have eyes for me. I fell into his gaze for a moment, seeking the comfort of his protection, then I purposely turned toward Simon.
“I didn’t mean to make you upset,” Simon mistook my silence for something else.
“Simon?” Calli was in the doorway and looked less than impressed he was out there with me.
“I should get back.” He smiled at her, and I internally rolled my eyes. Great. He was under her hold, too. “Have a good night, Kenna.”
“You too.” I forced a smile, and when I looked back at Grim, he was gone.
I summoned a pair of balls then went in search of Minnie.
As I walked through the lobby, I chuckled at Rail. He had a smile from ear to ear as he hit on some girl at least ten years younger.
“Hey, have you seen Trigger?” I asked as I got closer.
“Maybe.” He grinned and tapped his cheek. I gave him a quick kiss, and he beamed. “Yeah, he’s over there.”
“Thanks.” I heard the girl ask who I was, and he replied I was his ex. I laughed; he was something sometimes.
Trigger was at the bar in the lobby. He stood next to Morgan as he nursed a glass of whiskey. I felt better the moment I saw Morgan.
“Hey, stranger,” Morgan leaned in for a hug, “if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’ve been avoidin’ me.”
I was, kind of. I hated that I felt like a target and anyone around me could be in the crosshairs. The situation made me wary.
“Sorry,” I held on to the hug for an extra minute, “things are crazy. I miss you, though.”
“No worries. It’s good to see ya.” He leaned back, and I looked at Trigger. My hands went cold.
“I hate to interrupt, but, Trigger, do you have a sec?” His green eyes turned to me, and my stomach dropped into my toes. Grim’s eyes had the same effect on me at times. But with Grim, it was something that fanned a fire inside me. One I couldn’t seem to help but fire back. These eyes just seemed to see through to my soul. I swallowed.
“Yeah.” He was a man of few words, and I knew I needed to choose mine carefully. I looked at Morgan and eyed him to stay. He got my intent and sat on a barstool.
“I have a situation, and I was hoping you could help me.”
“You have my attention.”
“My father asked me for your help.” He slowly tapped his fingers on the bar top. “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think it was important.” I swallowed hard.
“What kinda help?”
“I’m not sure, but I think it involves one of his clients.”
“You got something going on.” He studied me a bit. “If I do it, I wanna know what you’re hiding.” I lowered my head and felt the weight of what I held inside twine its tentacles deep into my soul. A further promise that I was screwed no matter which way things went.
“No,” I squeaked, and my face went hot. “Trigger, I’m so sorry, but I can’t tell you about it. I just can’t. If that means no, so be it.” He studied my face with those green eyes, and I felt like I was on trial or maybe his next hit.
“Gimme a reason, then.”