Page 91 of Grim
“Christ, I can’t leave you alone for two fucking seconds,” Grim gritted at me as we watched Keller take a seat next to Glory at the bar.
“I don’t need protecting.” Before he could answer we heard a laugh.
“Damn, tempers are high tonight,” Dirt called with a grin on his face.
“Yeah, and I can’t decide if it’s ’cause Grim’s hotel went up in flames that’s got him all riled up or,” Keller pretended to pump his crotch, “that his girl is making all of us stiff in the pants.”
“The only sex you probably get has a tip at the end.” Grim shook his head as Keller’s buddies laughed.
“Charles gets plenty of action, Grim. You jealous?” Glory batted her eyelashes in our direction. “I mean, are you two even screwin’? I know you were with Jenelle the other night.” She put her finger in her mouth and made a sucking sound.
I didn’t like that it bothered me a little that Grim was with someone else. Or maybe what bothered me was that I hadn’t been with anyone lately. Except Grim. Or maybe it was because every time I did hear he was out with someone it was that Jenelle woman.
“We’re not exclusive.” I shrugged, not wanting this tramp stamp to get the better of us. “Though his fingers drive me mad.” I wiggled them before I gave her the finger.
“Whatever,” she held up a hand, and I saw Jesse head toward us, “you know where to find me.”
“Bare assed in the back of a dumpster, no doubt.” I snickered, and she stood, and I took a step toward her. I was incredibly hyped up and looking for an outlet.
“Seriously?” Grim hooked my waist and pulled me to him. “Weren’t you just tellin’ me to back down?” He tilted my chin to look at him. “Are you always this wild?” He smirked, and I shrugged, feeling that hunger I had for him. “I know that look.” His thumb swiped my jawbone. “I feel it, too.” Jesse moved into our line of vision, and I pulled away.
“Let’s go.” Jesse waved us over, and Grim whistled at the guys. It was time to leave. They all hopped on their bikes while Grim and I ducked into the town car. Jesse took the front with the driver and wasted no time giving Grim an update on the status of his hotel. Though the fire did a lot of damage, they were able to save over half of it. Jesse’s voice was low as he spoke, and when he went into detail, I let my mind go and took a moment for myself.
I couldn’t believe how the night turned into such a shit show. One moment I was with a client, and the next Secrets was on fire and I’m running like crazy to tell Grim, then I went from watching the flames with Minnie to being shoved in a car with some fucking Stripe Backs. How I ended up back in a car with Grim made my head spin. I could handle crazy situations. I’d learned that trait from being around my father, but shit, I needed a moment to catch up with this one. I thought I was also coming down from the adrenaline rush.
“I got the owner’s address.” Jesse’s words found their way to me. “We can visit there tonight or tomorrow.” I could feel Grim’s gaze move to me.
“Not tonight,” he answered in a raspy voice that found its way low in my belly.
“Understood.” Jesse turned around then held up his phone. “Ah, probably not the time, but Jenelle called. Wants to know if you’re free tonight.” His voice filtered away, and he looked back as though he remembered I was in the car. “I’ll let her know you’re busy and you’ll be around tomorrow.”
“That’s fine,” Grim answered curtly.
There was Jenelle’s name again. I tuned them out and listened to the roar of the bikes behind us. Maybe I should have ridden home with Morgan. It would have been physically uncomfortable, but easier on the head.
Focus on anything else, Kenna. The moon hung heavy in the sky, and the stars twinkled brightly out here away from the Vegas lights. I didn’t get out of the city often. I sometimes forgot how quiet life could be away from all the bells, whistles, and flashy lights of Sin City. I breathed in and out and relaxed my mind until I heard the bikes suddenly fade away.
I was instantly alert as something caught my attention in the distance.
“Grim,” I whispered as I studied it harder. “Grim.” I turned to look at him. He looked out his own window, and I saw something else. “What is that?” I barely registered what was happening as Grim shoved me to the floor and threw his body over mine to shield me from the rain of bullets that struck the doors and windows of the vehicle. It sounded like rocks hitting steel as I squeezed my eyes shut.
“Stay low,” Grim yelled, and I opened my eyes as he sat up. He had his gun in his hand. I heard Jesse scream at the driver to speed up.
“Jesse!” Grim’s voice found me.
“On it,” he yelled. “We’re taking fire, Trigger!” Jesse shouted. “Okay, we’ll head there.” There was a pause as more bullets struck the armored doors. “Yeah, there.”
“Stay down,” Grim yelled in my ear again as more bullets slammed into the car. I jumped as each one hit and prayed the car could hold up to it all. I’d lost count of how many times we’d been struck. How bulletproof was bulletproof? The way my heart pounded in my chest hurt like hell.
“I can see them,” Jesse yelled. I didn’t know if he meant help was here, or he meant he saw who was shooting at us.
“Lights off,” Grim ordered the driver, and I squeezed my eyes shut again thinking the worst. “No, Trigger, we got this. Keep going the other way!” Grim shouted, and it took me a moment to realize he had his earpiece in.
I screamed and buried my face under my arm as another rain of shots found us. Then what I feared the most happened. The car suddenly dropped down on one side, and I heard a loud pop. We were thrown about as the driver tried to get control.
“Shit, shit!” the driver yelled, and I felt the car swerve. Pure fear forced me to look up, and I saw Jesse reach over to help him. Grim had one hand against the window frame and opened the window about an inch. Was he insane? Then he desperately tried to aim his weapon at the swirling world outside. We made a massive turn, and the car felt as though it would roll over, but somehow it righted itself. I wondered whose screams I heard until I realized they came from my own throat, and I forced myself to stop.
Tires screeched, not ours, but from somewhere else, and the sound sent more fear through me. I grabbed Grim’s leg and held tight.