Page 21 of The Heart Stealer
Safe. I scoff at the word, anger and heartache mingling together like a toxic poison in my chest.
He just sat there. Sat there and watched while Matt punched and kicked me.
Smashing my teeth together, I look down at Liam’s hand. So strong and sure. Powerful enough to snap my fingers, probably. But he never would.
Even so… I can’t go jumping on the love boat again.
I’ve learned my lesson about falling hard and fast… and I won’t be doing it twice.
Sliding my fingers out of his grasp, I tuck them under the table and smile at him.
“You’re sweet,” I murmur, trying to soften the fact that I just pulled away.
He nods, his cheeks turning pink before he clears his throat and shuffles in his seat.
Thankfully, the omelets arrive, smelling fantastic and making me realize that I haven’t eaten a decent meal since my lunch break two days ago.
My stomach cramps as I sprinkle salt on my eggs and add a little ketchup.
Liam pauses, watching me squirt a line of red sauce in a zigzag over my omelet and hash browns. The expression on his face is hilarious, and I can’t help a small giggle.
“Ketchup on your eggs?”
“What can I say? I’m a saucy girl.”
“You most definitely are.” He winks at me, grinning at his double meaning, and I focus on my food, trying to ignore the tingles firing down my legs.
We eat in relative silence, glancing at each other every now and then before darting our eyes away to study the paraphernalia on the walls. This place is chaotic, like an old attic that needs a good tidying.
I kinda like it, though. It’s homey.
And this food is delicious.
I clear the entire plate and even get a refill on my coffee.
Liam’s eyebrows rise when I push the empty plate away from me.
“I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but for a girl so slim, you can sure pack it away.”
I smile into my cup, delaying my answer with a sip of coffee. “I have a fast metabolism. I’ve always been like this. No meat on my bones, but not without considerable effort on my part.”
He grins, and I keep babbling for some reason.
“Although, I’m sure it won’t always be that way. My grandma used to eat like a horse, apparently, and was as skinny as a beanpole until she had kids. Then she got round and stayed that way.” I let out a soft laugh, remembering the way Dad used to tease his mom. She’d always laugh it off, proud of her mom bod.
I miss her.
And I miss him even more.
An old ache that I’ve lived with since I was fourteen sears through me. It comes and goes. Some days the hurt is unbearable. Other days, I don’t even notice it.
Right now… I would have done anything to have my dad bust through Theo’s door and rescue me. He would have been livid. He would have put those assholes in their place and carried me away to safety.
“Hey.” Liam’s husky voice catches my attention. “Where are you right now?”
My face crumples in confusion.
“The look on your face.” He points at me. “Are you remembering the other night?”