Page 33 of The Heart Stealer
By the time I reach the driveway, Ethan is pulling in behind me. His worried face tells me he had a lightning-quick shower and probably left his gear in a mess trying to catch up with me.
I slow to a walk before reaching the front door, ignoring his concerned frown. As soon as we’re inside, I shed my jacket and check the thermostat. It feels like an oven in here, but the temperature is set to what it always is.
My blood must still be boiling.
“Shit,” I mumble, heading for the kitchen and an ice-cold drink.
Yanking a water bottle out of the fridge, I down half of it before finally glancing Ethan’s way. His arms are crossed, and he’s staring at me.
“What?” I raise my eyebrows while his dip into a sharp V.
“What? Fucking what? Really?” His arms flick out wide before slapping against his thighs. “You let Jason get under your skin. Of all the guys on the team, you are the last person to let that happen. He didn’t even have to try that hard. What is up with you today?”
I clench my jaw, leaning back against the kitchen counter.
“And no, you’re not allowed to say you don’t want to talk about it, because I’m standing here watching you about to implode. So fucking spill, man.”
Opening the fridge, he grabs a cold brewski and tips his head toward the back patio.
I follow because he’ll probably chase me down if I flip him off and head for my room.
My face buckles with a frown. I can’t head to my room because Rachel’s up there. Because she got beaten and was so terrified, she had to drive for fifteen hours to get away from the guy who was supposed to protect her.
Anger spikes through me again, and I pull in a deep breath, begging myself not to lose it.
Scrubbing a hand over my face, I take a seat outside, staring at the snow-packed lawn.
“Need your jacket?” Ethan steps outside, pulling his on.
“Nah.” I shake my head.
He sighs and bends down to start up the outdoor gas heater before taking the seat adjacent to me. “Spill.”
My nose twitches and I look away from him, resting my hand on the patio table and tapping out a quick beat.
“Dude, you’re in a foul mood, and it makes you impossible to be around. Whatever the hell is riling you up, just get it out. End the suffering, man. I beg of you.”
He’s trying to lighten the tension, but my muscles are still coiled tight.
Taking a sniff of the biting air, I blink a few times before eventually murmuring, “I can’t tell you. Promised I wouldn’t.”
“O-kay. So I’m guessing it’s not about you, then.” He raises his eyebrows with a pointed look, and I shake my head, then shrug, because maybe I am making this about me and my shitty childhood.
I tip my head back with a long, slow sigh.
“Has your dad done something again?”
“Not that I know of.” This makes me relax a little. I shift in my seat, threading my fingers together and resting them against my chest. “As far as I’m aware, he hasn’t had any contact for months. It’s been good.”
Ethan nods. “I know you were worried when he first got released, but that restraining order has kept him at bay, right?”
“Mostly, although my mother doesn’t always make him stick to it.” I roll my eyes. After everything we went through to get him out of our lives, she lets him back in without hesitation.
“Her love is everlasting, I guess.” Ethan gives me a sad smile.
I scoff and shake my head. “I’ll never understand it.”
“People do crazy things when they’re in love.” He grins, and I can’t help a soft snicker. I can’t even remember what movie that’s from, but Ethan loves his quotes. And he’s been a hundred times worse since getting together with Mikayla. She’s brought out the marshmallow in him, and the guy’s in danger of turning into a romantic sap.