Page 7 of The Heart Stealer
“Um…” She glances at Mick, then softly replies, “Thank you?”
Mick lets out another groan, snatching Rachel’s wrist and pulling her to her feet. “Please ignore this horndog. He should come with a warning label.”
“I’m hot stuff, baby. I can’t help it.” He shrugs, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth as he winks and smiles at the girls.
“Keep it in your pants, Case,” I growl.
He glances at me, raising his eyebrows in a “What the fuck’s your problem?” kind of gesture.
I roll my eyes. Did he even notice how red and swollen her eyes are?
The guy’s a walking penis. That’s the only organ he thinks with.
“Welcome to Hockey House, Rachel.” Asher extends his hand, flashing his straight white teeth and kissing her knuckles like he’s Lord Bensen and not just plain ol’ Asher from New York.
“Seriously?” Mick nudges him away. “You never kissed my hand.”
“Well, you’re not a lady.” He shrugs. “But your friend here…” He gives her an appreciative smile that makes Rachel blush.
She dips her chin, tugging on the ends of her jacket sleeves to cover her hands.
“Here, let me take that,” I offer, annoyed with myself that I hadn’t even thought of it before. She’s probably burning up. But I was kind of distracted by her sobbing. I’m so glad that’s stopped now. She’s definitely looking calmer now that Mick’s here, but I can still sense her stress.
All these curious gazes and flirty guys are getting to be too much for her.
“I assume you’re staying?” I speak over whatever drivel Asher is firing her way. “You can have my room if you like.”
“Oh.” Her beautiful green eyes round. “No, that’s okay. I don’t want to be a bother. I can just find a hotel or something.”
“No way. You’re totally staying. Liam can sleep on the couch.” Mick crosses her arms, and I nod my approval.
“I really don’t want to impose on?—”
“It’s no imposition.” Ethan grins at her. “I’m pretty sure Mick would maim us all if we let you walk out the door right now. Seriously. You’re welcome to stay.”
He raises his chin at Asher, who’s nodding as well. “Yeah, of course. Let me get you some towels and show you around.”
Asher takes the lead, grabbing Rachel’s suitcase and guiding her upstairs. I chase after them, ducking around them to make sure my room isn’t a total mess while Asher gets her towels and shows her where the bathroom is.
I scramble to gather clothes off the floor and dump them in the laundry basket before quickly making my bed.
She arrives just as I’m fluffing a pillow for her.
“And this is where you’ll be.” Asher smiles at her. “Liam, you can sleep in my office if you like.”
Rachel’s questioning look is adorable, and of course, Asher instantly becomes Mr. Bombastic and has to explain how this house belongs to his uncle, so that kind of makes it his, and he has the master bedroom downstairs with the en suite, and he turned the room next door into his office, which is basically a glorified man cave that he never studies in. I don’t even know why he calls it an office.
“You’re welcome to check it out anytime. I have a pretty impressive comic book collection.”
Rachel’s eyebrows rise along with her polite smile, and it’s impossible not to snicker. She’s trying so hard to hide how unimpressed she is.
Asher darts me a glare before leaving the room with a little huff.
I grab a pair of boxers to sleep in along with the rumpled T-shirt under my pillow. “Just made the bed for you. Sorry the sheets aren’t clean, but I only put them on a couple days ago. I can change them if you want, though.”
“No, that’s okay.” She brushes the air with her long fingers, and I’m pretty sure she’s the kind of woman who will do anything not to be a pain.
“It’s really no trouble, you being here. Mick’s stoked.”