Page 78 of The Heart Stealer
I have no idea what time it is. The room is dark, the heavy black-out curtains making it impossible to know.
Liam’s beside me.
We fell asleep spooning after a subdued meal. We ordered room service, and the four of us sat in numb silence, nibbling our club sandwiches and watching, but not really seeing, a movie. It was a sticky-sweet Christmas movie with zero violence and the cheesiest lines ever. But none of us could even muster the will to make fun of it.
I shuffled off to the shower, soaking under the hot spray before crawling into bed. Liam was already waiting for me, reading a book on his phone. I couldn’t talk, so I just rolled onto my side and let him hold me.
His arms around me are bliss and comfort, warmth and security.
But how can I ask this of him?
I’ve known him long enough to understand that he’s the kind of guy who would stand between me and whatever threat might be coming my way.
Ethan would too.
And Mick.
They’re fierce warriors, and they’d fight my battles without me even having to ask.
But I can’t expect that from them.
I need to get out of here. I need to return Theo’s money and be done with it. I can’t give him any more reasons to hunt me down. He can have every penny back with interest if that’s what it takes.
Slipping out of the bed, I tiptoe into the living area in search of my phone. I think it’s still in my bag from yesterday. I really don’t want to do it, but maybe I can call Theo and we can sort this whole thing out. I’ll offer to transfer the money into his account. I haven’t quite earned enough to cover it, but I can deposit his cash, or I have Dad’s investments I can draw off. I’m not supposed to touch those until I’m older, but scraping a couple grand away won’t do any harm, and then I can be rid of Theo for good.
Rummaging around in my bag, I let out an irritated huff. My phone’s not here. Dammit. Where is it?
Emptying out the entire contents onto the couch, I pick through my lip gloss, packet of tissues, wallet, and mound of old receipts. No phone.
Shit, I must have left it in the parking garage. When Matt grabbed me, I dropped it… and then forgot all about it.
I’m such an idiot sometimes.
Looking up to the ceiling, I shake my head.
Seriously. What the hell does Liam even see in me?
Why is Mikayla even my friend?
Yes, I’m very aware that I’m currently boarding the I Hate Rachel train, but the door’s sitting wide open. The whistle is blowing, and it’s too easy to jump right on.
I’ve screwed up so royally, and they shouldn’t have to put up with my shit.
I should go.
Just get out of here.
They can return to Nolan and get on with their lives trouble-free.
I don’t know what the hell I’m gonna do, but I don’t want to be a burden anymore. Maybe I should go down and hang with Mom.
And take your problems down to her?
With a heavy sigh, I gaze at the door.