Page 88 of The Heart Stealer
“Hey, hockey buddy!” A friendly redhead gives Mick a quick high five before landing her bright blue gaze on me.
“Hi.” I wave, my long fingers tinkling in the air.
“Hello.” She kind of sings the word. She’s so chipper, her smile so wide, her eyes so big and dazzling, it’s like watching a real-life cartoon character. “I’m Caroline. I don’t know if Mikayla’s told you about me, but I’m the hockey nut who talks her ear off during most of the games. It’s a miracle she still sits next to me, really.” She laughs, a tuneful sound that matches her voice.
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Rachel.”
“Yeah, I know.” She grins. “Mick told me you’re staying with her at Hockey House.” She tips her head back, her red curls spilling over her shoulders. “You guys are so freaking lucky! Hockey House!” Her blue eyes bulge. “You get to hang with these guys all the time. I have to be jelly. There’s no other option. What I wouldn’t give to just walk in the door and meet these guys.”
“You should.” Mikayla shrugs, keeping her eyes on the ice.
“Yeah, right!” Caroline snorts and shakes her head.
Mikayla shares a quick look with me before giving her a dry smirk. “They’re not gods, you know. They’re messy and loud, and they stink sometimes. Like seriously. I had no idea smells that bad could come out of a human being.”
I suppress a giggle behind my fingers.
“And Casey is the worst, by the way. I don’t know if it’s the green stuff he puts in his shakes or the stupid amount of bacon he eats, but that guy has got odors that are next level.”
A loud laugh bursts out of me because it’s true. I had the misfortune of waltzing into the bathroom after him the other day, and I swear my eyes started watering. My gag reflex kicked in, and even lighting a candle and dousing the room with air freshener didn’t clear the evil stench. Asher was nice enough to let me shower in his en suite that day.
For a six-bedroom house, it seriously lacks bathrooms. I would have added at least another full one downstairs and not just an extra toilet.
“So he stinks. That doesn’t change the fact that he’s sexy as all get-out and still my favorite player on the team. You know he scored a—” Her fact is cut off by a loud cheer as she jumps to her feet and starts applauding the boys. They skate onto the ice, looking focused and fired up for a good game.
I stand beside Mikayla, clapping and looking for Liam.
It doesn’t take long to find his number, and I can’t help a buzz of electricity. There he is! My man!
I haven’t made it to a game yet, so I’m both excited and nervous to watch him play. I know he’s part of the defense and that’s about it. Sports isn’t really my thing. I don’t mind watching a little Olympics or something—usually gymnastics or, if it’s winter, the figure skating—but that’s about as far as I’ll go.
The game begins, and it’s a frenzied display of skates cutting through ice, sticks firing every which way, and men moving like bees as they whip and swerve around each other.
Liam gets slammed against the plexiglass, and I gasp.
“He’s okay.” Mick pats my thigh. “He’s all padded up.”
“But shouldn’t that be a foul or something? That guy just totally pushed him.”
“It’s all part of the game, Ray-Ray.” She turns with a twinkle in her eye, leaning in and whisper-shouting over the noise of the crowd. “If you like, we can swap and Caroline can chew your ear off. She’s an expert in this game. That’s how I learned all about it.”
“Uh…” I lean back with a tight smile. “I’m good.”
Mikayla laughs, squeezing my knee in a quick horse bite before turning her attention back to the game.
I continue watching, still kind of lost but also enjoying how skilled these guys are. The Cougars are up by one goal as they head into the final period. It’s been a chaotic game against the Lennox Bears. They’re a tough team and apparently famous rivals. Lennox College is only an hour or so away from Nolan U, so it makes sense. Plus, they seem well matched. They’re definitely not giving away the game without a fight.
Sipping the hot cider Mick just bought me, I watch Liam skate off for a break and start scanning the crowd like I’ve been doing all night. They’re just as pumped as they were when the game started. It’s awesome to see the guys get so much support. They work so hard, training for hours, working out, honing their bodies, building muscle and skill with constant practice. They deserve this kind of encouragement.
Mikayla tenses beside me. “Go, go, go!” She jumps to her feet as Ethan makes a shot at goal. I hold my breath as he flicks his stick, and then Mikayla starts screaming, “Yeah, baby! Woo!” She pumps her arm in the air, and I’m pretty sure Ethan spots her because he lifts his stick in our direction, and Mick and Caroline start jumping around like crazy people.
I smile up at them, enjoying their antics until I feel a prickle along my shoulders.
It’s the weirdest sensation and I rub at it, glancing behind me to see if I can figure out what this tingling means. Or what’s causing it, at least.
Two large guys grunt in my direction, but they’re focused on the game. I give them a polite smile, and they don’t even notice. Next to them is a father with two kids who are only half watching. He’s fully invested, and I can sense his frustration at having to split his attention between the game and the kids. Behind him is a line of students who are just having fun… so why do I feel creeped out right now?
Shuddering, I spin back around, focusing on the rink. Liam’s jumping back onto the ice, and I pour all my attention onto him, trying to shake off this feeling like someone’s watching me.