Page 91 of The Heart Stealer
Rachel’s expression is kind and patient, her eyes narrowing at the corners as she walks toward me. “She’s still inside, asking the leasing agent if there are any other available apartments in the building.”
I nod, scuffing my boot on the ground.
“What’s wrong?” She stops beside me, wrapping her arms around herself. “Are you mad that I’m trying to leave Hockey House? Because, you know, I’m really torn up about it. Logically, I know it’s the right thing for Mick and me and… probably everybody. But I hate the idea of leaving you.”
My heart rate simmers down to a comfortable thud, and I manage to find my smile. Taking her gloved hands in mine, I give them a gentle squeeze.
“Of course I love having you live with me. I just want to make sure you find the right place.”
“Yeah.” She frowns. “Our limited budget isn’t offering up the best options.” She sighs. “But we’ll keep looking. I’m just sorry it’s upsetting you.”
“Oh no, it’s…” I never usually talk about my family, but Rachel knows enough, so I give in with a huff. “It’s my mom. She’s not answering my calls today, and I think she might be with my dad.”
“What? Why?”
“I don’t know.” My voice pitches and I grunt, frustration coursing through me. “He’s up to something, though. He’s…” I shake my head, the cold air whistling through my nostrils as I try to take in a calming breath. “I don’t trust him, and I wish she wouldn’t. He always does this. He puts on the tears and this remorseful smile, and… and she just caves. Then he gets what he wants and inevitably fucks it up again!”
A mother walking past with her small children gives me a disapproving scowl.
“Sorry,” I mumble as she rushes past us.
Rachel waits until they’ve moved on before stepping into my space and wrapping her arms around my neck. “I love how much you care about her.”
My lips dip as I rest my chin on her shoulder.
“You need to tell your mom how you’re feeling. You need to talk to her.”
“I know.” I squeeze Rachel to me, drawing from her comfort. “I’ve just got this feeling like she’s not gonna listen. And I’m scared she’ll get hurt again, and I’ll be left to pick up the pieces like I always am.”
Rachel presses her cold cheek against my ear, not saying anything.
What more is there to say?
Closing my eyes, I hold my girl and start wishing for this shitty day to be over already.
Liam’s mom finally called him back that night, but she was pretty hedgy. She wouldn’t admit to being with her ex-husband, even when Liam outright asked. It really pissed him off, but he never shouted or raised his voice. I could just tell he was riled by the quiet way he conducted himself for the rest of the evening.
Thankfully, the guys were all home, and they provided the perfect distraction. Riley and Connor showed up with a board game that they forced everyone to play, and it was actually pretty great. It was dirty and hilarious—people had to form sentences from the cards in their hands, and the person with the funniest option won that round. Of course, the guys took it to the gutter and Mick was in her element, happily splashing around in the muck while I wrinkled my nose but ended up giving in to a few belly laughs.
Casey’s one about his dream woman being found in a retirees nudist colony was freaking hilarious. The jokes went on for quite some time after that, and I had no idea what he meant when he pointed at Asher and said that was more his style, but Liam and Ethan lost it.
I shared a bewildered glance with Mick, who shrugged and started the next round.
It was the perfect way to end what had been a stressful day.
And once all the laughter had died down, things got one step better…
“How’d the house hunting go?” Casey shuffles the cards before passing them to Riley for stacking back in the box.
“Okay.” I shrug, but Liam is shaking his head beside me.
“It was crap.” He raises his eyebrows. “There’s nothing decent around here.”
“That one on Triton Ave wasn’t bad,” Mick argues.