Page 93 of The Heart Stealer
I don’t think it works. The man’s eyebrows dip together like he knows that I’ve heard of him. He’s probably wondering what stories Liam has told me.
Licking my lips, I try to sound like my heart hasn’t suddenly started hammering. “You’re his father?”
Stupid question. Of course he is. Now that I’m looking at him with that knowledge, I can actually see some similarities. The shape of his face, the line of his nose.
“Yes. And I’m guessing from your expression that he’s told you about me.” His hazel eyes study me like he’s trying to read my mind.
“A little.” My voice goes soft and mousy. I can feel myself shrinking.
The man grunts. It’s a scoffing kind of sound as he mutters something that I only catch the end of. “…complains about me all the time, I suppose. His bastard dad.”
“No, actually.” I blink, my shoulders pinging back as the need to defend Liam rockets through me. “He never speaks badly about you to others. Even though he probably has every right to. I only know because I’m his girlfriend, and I’ve seen his pain.”
The man’s eyes flash, and I can’t tell if I’m pissing him off or not, but I’m on a roll, and I think I’m quick enough to slam the door in his face if he tries to lunge at me. He looks like he can barely hold himself up, to be honest. He’s hardly a threat, so I draw on what courage I do have.
Be the boss bitch, Ray. You can do this!
“You know… fathers are supposed to protect their families, not put them through hell. I understand that you had your struggles, but you could have gone for help. Instead, you chose a bottle and you… you tormented your children. Your wife.” I can’t believe I’m saying this stuff, but it feels so good to get it out. I want this man to understand how much damage he caused, what he’s put my boyfriend through. What he still puts him through.
“Even after all this time, Liam still has moments of total grief. And he worries for his mother and sisters all the time. Why can’t you just leave them alone? Can’t you just let them get on with their lives?”
He’s gone still before me, his breathing kind of shallow as he stares at the edge of the door. His chin is trembling as if he’s fighting tears, and now I feel bad. Suddenly his fragility seems stark… and in spite of my indignant rage on Liam’s behalf, this wave of sympathy courses through me.
There’s something so broken and withered about him. Standing under the porch light with this lost look on his face, he sways and looks ready to keel over.
“Mr. Carlisle, are you okay?”
Should I reach out to help him?
I’m moments away from inviting him in when he steps back and buries his hands in his pockets.
“You won’t have to worry,” he croaks, staggering away from the door. “I’ll leave him be.”
And with that, he clomps away from the house, snow reaching halfway up his calves as he navigates the front yard.
I stand in the open doorway, freezing air pouring into the house, while I watch him disappear into the darkness.
The engine of his car revs, and he putters away from the curb.
Liam always described his dad as this towering, formidable warrior. A soldier in the US Army.
But he didn’t look very formidable tonight.
If anything, it looked like my lambasting just about broke him.
Practice was brutal tonight, and I shuffle into the house with aching muscles.
“Oh, sweet nectar of the gods, what is that smell?” Casey calls, kicking off his boots and leaving them in a haphazard pile by the door. “Thank God I didn’t go to Offside.” A soft squeal and laugh comes from the kitchen, and I wander in to find Casey lifting Rachel off her feet and spinning her in a circle. “Ray-Ray, I’m in love with you. I know you’ve got the hots for Liam, but seriously, would you consider?—”
“No,” she interrupts him before he can once again try to woo her to the Casey side. “Now put me down, Mr. Man Slut. We both know you’re not a one-woman kinda guy, and I am most definitely a fan of monogamous relationships, so we could never work.”
He gives in with a sigh, placing her on her feet so she can breeze into my arms. I wrap her in a tight hug, and she sighs against me.
“Maybe you could just live with me and be my personal chef, then.” Casey lifts the lid on the pot and takes a big sniff.