Page 15 of Keeping Astrid
“Yep. Once we’ve got an idea of how we’re going to proceed, I’ll let you know. I’d like to try and head down to where the incident occurred and have a look around in the next couple of days. I know it’s probably a dead end, but you never know.”
“Sounds good. I’ll get Cass to see if there are any cameras or anything she can get access to.”
Growler nodded, aware that Astrid was watching their conversation with interest. At least she’d come around to what was in her best interests. “Thanks.”
“Right, well, Logan is stirring, so I need to take off my PR hat and put my mom hat on. Astrid, I’ll talk to you later,” Penni said.
“Sounds good. Hug Logan for me. And, Penni?” Astrid waited until Penni was looking at her. “Thanks.”
“Pleasure. Growler, look after my girl. Otherwise…”
Growler held up his hands. She’d used his nickname again. “Yeah, yeah, I know. You’ll send Fort after me.”
Penni smiled sweetly. “No, I’ll come after you. Knox has nothing on me. Bye!”
The screen went dark, and Growler shook his head at Fort’s wife’s antics—she was one of a kind.
“She’s a firecracker, isn’t she?” Ox commented as he stood in the doorway.
“Yes, and I’m glad she’s on my side,” Astrid answered before Growler could say anything.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it, and Astrid, welcome to Alliez Security. We will do everything in our power to ensure your safety and deal with whatever is happening in your life. Our goal is for you to go back to living your life without having to look over your shoulder.” Ox smiled and then exited the room, closing the door and leaving Growler and Astrid alone.
Well, this was going to be interesting.
Chapter Eight
Astrid wanted to get up and call Ox back into the room. It wasn’t because she was afraid of the man sitting opposite her. Nope, not that at all. She was afraid of how she was going to sit in her seat and not want to climb across the table and straddle Growler before sinking her fingers through his hair and kissing him until she didn’t know who she was.
Never before had she ever had this type of visceral reaction to a man. This need to feel his lips against hers.
Everything about him was…intense.
The way his brown eyes darkened when he talked about wanting to protect her. The way his voice lowered to a growl. The way he looked ready to pounce on Ox when he’d been ruthless in his assessment of why she needed security.
“Is that how you got your nickname?”
“What?” Growler’s brow furrowed in confusion at her question.
Oh God, why did I blurt that out?
“Nothing, it doesn’t matter.” She lowered her head, grateful when her hair fell in a curtain covering her face. At least he wouldn’t see her bright red cheeks—if the heat in them was any indication of how they must look.
“No, I think it does.”
His voice came from right beside her, and she pushed her hair out of the way to find he’d come closer.
How the heck had he moved so fast? Wasn’t he on the opposite side of the table only a second ago?
Growler took the seat next to her, his leg brushing against hers. Desire flared to life, and she gulped down the rest of her water, grimacing at the warmness of the liquid. Water really was only best when it was ice cold.
What she would give for some ice right now. Anything to cool this fire burning inside her.
How was she going to deal with this man being her constant shadow if she wanted to jump him every chance she got?
You’re a client. Nothing more. Remember that.
Yes, that’s what she needed to focus on—they had a business relationship—that was all.