Page 39 of Keeping Astrid
Astrid’s house was nice, and she loved it, but there was something about Penni’s place that called to her. Maybe she should look at selling her house and buying a house that needed some updating, particularly if it could turn out like this place.
“I guess. To me it’s just Fort’s place. Although I’m sure he’ll be happy to go through his before and after photos with you. He is pretty proud of the place.” Callum opened his door. “Come on, let’s go inside. I can see Penni peering through the front window. I’m sure she’s wondering why we’re taking so long.”
Eager to see if the inside looked as good as the outside, Astrid released her belt and was out of the car in a flash. She waited as Callum got their bags out of the trunk. She would offer but she knew that he’d give her the “I’m here to look after you” look he’d given her when she tried to put the bag in the car this morning.
“Hey, you two, you took long enough to get out of the car,” Penni hollered from her front porch, Logan propped on her hip.
Astrid could imagine her walking around the house, holding Logan while booking appearances for the clients Penni had. That woman could multi-task with the best of them.
“I was just admiring your house. It’s beautiful,” Astrid said as she accepted Penni’s one-arm hug. Logan squealed in happiness. “Hey, little man. Good to see you.” Astrid popped a kiss on his forehead.
“Would you like to hold him?” Penni asked.
“Sure.” Astrid immediately took the chubby baby out of his mom’s arms and cooed at him. “Who’s a cute baby? You are.” She glanced over her shoulder, aware of Callum’s presence behind her. “Isn’t he the cutest?”
Callum nodded, a strange look on his face. One she couldn’t decipher at the moment. Did he not like babies? Did he want any of his own? Although if he didn’t like kids, he wouldn’t have taken Fort and Penni up on their offer to stay at their place for the couple of nights they were in San Diego.
Astrid had always thought she’d have a couple of kids of her own, at some stage of her life. Of course, she hadn’t planned to become a food influencer, which had put her on a different path than she thought she’d go down.
Not that she regretted it at all, but after the last few days, the reality of her stardom had hit her in a way she hadn’t expected, and she was glad that she didn’t have children—at the moment.
“Come on, the neighbors will be wondering why we’re all standing on the front porch,” Penni commented and opened the door.
Astrid crossed the threshold and admired the openness of the foyer and the surrounding area. Yep, this house was magazine worthy. “This is gorgeous, Penni.”
“I know. I was gob smacked the first time I walked in as well. Although it was a bit cold. I’ve made it a lot warmer than what it was.”
There were hints of colors dotted in fluffy throw cushions, flowers, and paintings on the walls. It was enough and not overbearing at all.
“Growler, good to see you.” Fort walked into the room and immediately filled the space.
Astrid had always felt a little intimidated by the Navy SEAL, something that she hadn’t experienced with Callum at all.
No, from the first moment she laid eyes on him, she could honestly say that she’d felt protected by him.
“Thanks for having us, Fort.” Callum accepted the one arm hug from his former team leader.
“Let me show you to your room before the others come.”
Astrid watched as Fort and Callum disappeared upstairs, noting that Fort had said “room” not “rooms.” She glanced over at Penni, who was smiling innocently.
Was she playing matchmaker?
Didn’t Penni know that Astrid was Callum’s client?
“What are you playing at, Penni?” Astrid questioned, gently prying Logan’s fingers from her hair.
“Nothing,” Penni responded. “Come on, let me get you a drink, and we can put this little munchkin down and he can play.”
Astrid wanted to ask her more, but she let it slide. Honestly, she couldn’t find any fault with staying in the same room as Callum. In fact, she was all for it.
Chapter Nineteen
“So what’s the story?” Rocket asked Growler as they leaned against the brick wall at the side of Fort’s back patio.
When Growler had joined the team, he and Rocket had gravitated toward each other, as they were one of the few single men left on the team. Now Rocket was happily married and well he was…Growler didn’t know what he was, but he couldn’t help but think that maybe he was heading down the same road as all his former teammates—the road to ever after.
What the actual fuck? It’s way too soon to be feeling this way.