Page 51 of Keeping Astrid
Her whole season was planned with each dish she’d be cooking before shooting even began.
Basil chuckled. “This is true. I’m looking forward to it. I know when it airs, Nancy will want to make it. You know my wife, always wanting to make what you make.”
“I’ll make sure to give you a printed copy of the recipe so you can hand it over to her after the show airs. And I love that she wants to do that. It’s why I love doing this show.”
Basil laughed again. “It’s been a good season, Astrid. I know everyone who watches it will love it.”
As usual, Basil reassured her that everything would be fine—was this becoming another superstition they now shared? It didn’t matter if it was. Astrid liked it and appreciated that she’d gotten Basil as her director.
“I’m hoping so. Is everything good here? I need to dash back to my dressing room to grab something.”
“Yep, we’ll be ready to shoot our first scene in twenty minutes. That’ll give you plenty of time.”
“I don’t need that long.” Although if Callum followed her, which she was sure he would because when she was on set he didn’t let her out of his sight, they could share a couple of kisses. Fortunately, her make-up girl hadn’t put any lipstick on her yet, so she wouldn’t have to worry about her and Callum messing it up.
With a wave to Basil, she stepped off the set and headed back to her room. As expected, Callum followed.
“Everything okay?” he asked as he fell into step beside her.
“Yep, I need to grab something from my dressing room.”
There wasn’t anything she needed to get from her dressing room. She just wanted another few minutes alone with Callum. Have his arms hold her. He was becoming an addiction she would quite happily indulge in.
As much as she wanted him to hold her hand, she knew he wouldn’t. Ox might not have a problem with their relationship, but they still didn’t want to advertise it to all her colleagues.
The last two weeks had been amazing. The nights were incredible. Losing herself in Callum’s arms was more than she’d ever expected she would experience. There hadn’t been anymore weird things happening to her. No car chases. No one shooting at her. Part of her almost believed that whoever had been after her had given up.
The question was—why had this person gone quiet?
Callum reached past her to open the door to her room, a gesture that had taken her a little bit to get used to.
“Thank you,” she said demurely.
The second the door snicked shut, Astrid turned and pushed Callum against the wood, enjoying his little “oof” of surprise. His arms immediately closed around her. She didn’t know why this feeling of melancholy was biting at her, only that it was. It could be because filming was finishing. But this was deeper, as if there were a line drawn in the sand and after today, things would be different.
Was it an omen that something bad was about to happen?
Astrid pushed that thought away and concentrated on this moment and the man in her arms as she pressed her lips against his.
A shaft of desire assailed her, and she wished that they were at her place so that they could take this further. For whatever reason, she wanted to lose herself in the passion she and Callum created. Wanted to forget the outside world and focus on the two of them.
The way his lips danced over hers. The way his arms held her close. The way their hearts beat in time.
After a few more seconds, she pulled away and rested her cheek against his chest.
“Not that I’m complaining because kissing you is one of my favorite things in the world, but what’s going on? You seem, I don’t know, anxious.” He smoothed a hand down her back and her eyes drifted shut.
Whenever he held her, a calmness settled over her. She shouldn’t be surprised that he’d picked up on her uneasiness.
“I don’t know. I always get this one on the last day of filming. There’s so much uncertainty in this business. I maybe popular now, but it doesn’t take much to get canceled these days. I would never want to hurt or offend, but people these days don’t give second chances, regardless of innocent intentions or not. If that happened, not only would I be out of a job, but so would everyone here.”
Her chest heaved as she attempted to catch her breath.
“Whoa, slow down. Nothing like that is going to happen.” Callum pressed his lips against her temple. “And do you know why?”
Astrid glanced up at him from beneath her eyelashes. The admiration shining in his eyes chased a little of the anxiety away. “Why?”