Page 24 of Keeping Eveline
Ox leaned his hip against the counter and took another sip of his coffee, this time the scald was milder. “Until we can see if Cass can find anything in the camera feeds, we’re in a holding pattern.”
Because Eveline hadn’t told him anything about her attack because firstly, she hadn’t been able to remember. Secondly, when he had the opportunity to find out more, he’d been clouded by his past and hadn’t given her a chance give her side of the story.
There wasn’t much the team could do except scan the footage.
Once she woke and he dealt with her anger at being at his place instead of her own, he’d talk to her about filing a police report.
Irish sighed, and Ox went on red alert. “Talk to me, Irish.”
“Cass isn’t in and won’t be today—she’s got another migraine.”
Ox cursed quietly; he needed Cass to be able to access that footage as soon as possible. Had she started obtaining it last night after he’d sent the group email, or had the headache hit and she’d dealt with getting the alarm situation sorted and gone to bed.
Unfortunately, he didn’t have those answers, but his main concern was the welfare of his staff member. “Fuck, she needs to see a doctor. She’s been having a few of them lately.”
“I know,” Irish clipped out.
Ox was aware that things were brewing between Irish and Cass, had been since she’d joined the team. They sniped at each other, and other times they seemed like the best of friends.
Cass’s health was important to him, and he’d talk to her about getting to a doctor to get her headaches looked at.
“We’ll get her sorted,” he said.
Irish grunted in response.
“I need you to go to building security to see if you can get the footage from last night. Eveline turned up at the office, and Walt wasn’t at his station. I want to find out why he wasn’t there and how Eveline was when she walked in,” Ox said, focusing on Eveline and not Cass. It would be good for him and Irish.
Silence greeted his request.
Dammit, he hadn’t done a good job of keeping the skepticism out of his voice. If he was standing face-to-face with Irish, he imagined his friend and colleague’s vivid blue eyes would be narrowed in suspicion.
Like him, Irish had been burned, only Irish’s burn had left deep scars that Ox feared the man clung to instead of letting go.
“Why?” the guy eventually asked.
As much as he truly believed that this wasn’t some elaborate scheme to bring down Alliez, and Ox did believe Eveline wasn’t involved, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off with this whole situation.
“It’s a fucking miracle she was able to make it into the office, considering the seriousness of her concussion.”
“I’ll get on it. I’ll also see if I can get access to the cameras outside the building as well. Make sure she wasn’t dropped off out the front.”
Ox should be annoyed that Irish had picked up on his unspoken words, but how could he get angry, when he’d had similar thoughts?
Fuck, this was such a mess. Why would anyone willingly let themselves been beaten the way Eveline had been?
“I don’t think that’s the case but appreciate you looking into all the same.”
“We’ve both had shit handed to us that makes us immediately suspicious. I don’t want to believe Triple Z would stoop to beating their own employee, and her agreeing to it to get at us. But we have to cover all bases.”
As though Irish had picked up on his confusion his friend’s attempt at reassurance was welcomed.
“I know. I need to go. Call me if you find out anything.”
“Will do. Take care of you,” Irish paused. “And Eveline.”
The call disconnected before Ox could ask Irish how the fuck he knew that Eveline was at his place. Then again, Irish knew him well enough, that Ox wouldn’t have stayed at the hospital all damn night long if he didn’t care a little bit.
“Would you like to tell me why I’m at your place and not mine?”