Page 27 of Keeping Eveline
Giving into the need, he lowered his mouth and gently kissed the cuts, before pressing light touches to her bruises. Her soft moan fired his blood, and he had to control the urge to haul her close and kiss her until neither one of them could think clearly. Think why being together was a bad idea.
If only things were different.
They weren’t; and until he knew exactly what he was dealing with, he couldn’t allow himself to fall into the depths of the desire that was threatening to engulf him.
With one last touch, Ox stepped away to put some distance between them, but he didn’t completely relinquish his hold on her.
Her eyes flicked open, and he almost forgot all his good intentions when he saw the need burning in their brown depths.
“Do you want something to eat?” he asked instead of asking if she was ready to talk about what happened to her. Ox still wanted her to file a police report, and now that she’d had a nap and shower, she might be ready to face the prospect of going to the station.
If his question bothered her, she didn’t show it. “That would be nice. And some coffee as well.”
“Sure. Why don’t you take a seat in the living room, and I’ll bring everything there?”
Eveline studied him, as if she was waiting for him to say more.
He held her gaze, letting her know silently that he was an open book and when she was ready, Ox would question her.
There would be questions, and he would get the answers he wanted.
The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and toast teased Eveline’s nostrils, and she snapped her eyes open to find Kyle placing a tray on the table.
“Did you have another good sleep?” he asked, his lips quirking up.
She sat up. A blanket she hadn’t put on herself when she sat on the couch was draped over her. “How long was I out?” she asked.
“About two hours.” Kyle sat in the chair opposite the couch she lay on, a glass of orange juice in his hand.
“Two hours! I feel like it’s been five minutes.”
He chuckled, the sound soft and gruff at the same time. “That’s the second coffee and toast I made you. You didn’t even stir when I came in with the first serving.”
Eveline couldn’t believe she’d crashed out on his couch. She remembered coming into the room and sitting down, but nothing more.
Had she fallen asleep sitting up?
Or had, in her post-concussion haze laid down and pulled the blanket over herself?
“Whatever you want to know I’ll answer,” he said.
Sitting up, she pushed her hair over her shoulder. “Really? You’ll answer my questions? I find that hard to believe, considering there are a couple I’ve asked which you’ve refused to answer.”
“Ask again,” Kyle said conversationally, as if he hadn’t ignored her questions only a few hours ago.
Ignoring the challenge, Eveline leaned forward and grabbed the mug of coffee, noting the sugar and milk sitting on the tray. “Do you have any creamers?” she asked. There was one thing she preferred, and that was to flavor her coffee.
“I don’t, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine.” She reached for the sugar and milk. It wasn’t going to be the same, but she needed the shot of caffeine after the night she had.
“What’s your favorite flavor of creamer?” he asked, as she stirred her third spoon of sugar in her mug.
“Caramel. Pumpkin spice when it’s fall, and peppermint when it’s Christmas.” As it was June, there wasn’t a special summer flavor she liked to use.
Eveline took a sip of her coffee, and while it wasn’t horrible, she didn’t think she’d be able to finish anything but half of the mug. “Why didn’t you leave the hospital when I asked you to?”