Page 72 of Keeping Eveline
“Is there something you need to tell me? When we made this agreement, you assured me this was what you wanted.” There was a bite to the man’s words, which grated on Ox.
Was Julian doubting his commitment? Doubting his word?
If that was the case, maybe the deal between him and Julian’s taskforce was going to be short-lived.
“No, but I did say that this new venture was going to be one that wouldn’t interfere with our core business structure. To make sure both sides of the business are run efficiently, there was always going to be the possibility that we’d employ more people.”
Julian nodded. “You did, I just didn’t expect it to be happening so soon.”
“If I learned anything while I was a Delta, it’s that nothing ever happens the way you plan or expect it to. Adapting and changing direction can save lives. Life changes and circumstances of the people I employ change, which is why I’m expanding. Having a team that’s totally dedicated to these special assignments is a good move.”
“I like that idea. How long before you have this separate team up and running?” Julian asked, his earlier annoyance gone.
“I’m conducting some final interviews over the next few weeks, so I expect in a couple of months. Sooner hopefully.”
“In the meantime, you’ll still be able to help us out?”
“Of course, now why don’t we go over this intel and work out a plan of action? You don’t have to worry about the commitment from my guys. They’re all in.”
The FBI agent nodded. “Good to hear. Let’s get started.”
Over the next hour, Julian laid out the plans the FBI had in place. Unlike one of the earlier jobs, when they’d been tasked with eliminating a sick fuck, this job was one where they’d be providing backup. If for some reason, shit went sideways, then they’d be engaged.
“Pretty sure Angel and Irish can cover this for you. You can’t go wrong with them.” Ox made some notes on his tablet.
“I looked over Irish’s file,” Julian said.
Ox lifted his head to study the man.
“I’m not sure I agree with some of the information in it. Especially after seeing him in action,” the FBI agent finished.
Julian’s insight surprised Ox, considering the other man hadn’t been with the FBI long. Most people believed what they read. That what was written was the truth—it wasn’t always the case. Irish’s story was his to tell, but he suspected that the guy would remain as tight-lipped in the future as he was now.
“He’s solid, otherwise I wouldn’t have him on my team,” Ox said.
“I know. I’m not doubting him at all. We’ve all got things in our past we’d rather not have come to light. Fuck knows, I do. I trust Irish. And I trust you.” Julian stood. “I’ll keep you informed and let you know when we’re a go.”
Ox stood as well. “The guys will be ready; I’ll brief them now.”
“I hope that, even when you get the new team in place, you’ll consider doing some assignments, too.”
He smiled. “Count on it. I know Growler’s the same. As much as we try and change our focus, we can’t turn off our training. Can’t ignore what was a major part of our lives. The timing isn’t great for me for this one, but if things were different, I’d be there.”
“I understand. I hope she knows how lucky she is.”
Again, Julian’s insight surprised the heck out of him. Ox hadn’t mentioned Eveline or that she was fast becoming the most important person in his life.
The FBI agent hadn’t said much about his past, only that he’d grown up in a cult and wished that he’d been able to do things differently. Like Ox had his own demons, Julian did too, and his work with the FBI was his way of taking action when he hadn’t in the past.
“It’s me who’s the lucky one,” he said. Yet he couldn’t shake the feeling that danger loomed on the horizon.
Kyle stood in the doorway of the room Eveline had been in with Cass for the past few hours.
They’d gone over the information Cass had uncovered, and her stomach had bottomed out when the depth of Gerald’s relationship with the gang that Randall had been part of came to light. Even a couple of the new hires were part of the gang.
Cass was still digging, believing there was a reason for Gerald to be practically sleeping with them.
“You good?” He came into the room and pressed a kiss to her forehead.