Page 44 of Savage Angels
She nods. “You know what’s best.”
Sipping my wine, I watch as she bustles around the kitchen, serving the lasagna and taking a salad out of the refrigerator.
“Are you happy?”
Emily pulls out a stool and sits next to me. “Yes. Are you?”
“Yes.” I put a hand on her knee.
“But I must confess, I’d be happier if you poured me a glass of red too.”
Grinning, I lean in and kiss her. “Your wish is my command.”
Chapter Fifteen
The wind roars in my ears as I lead Dirt and Kade down the freeway, Chicago’s skyline looming ahead. We are gritty from the miles we have put behind us, but goddamn, it feels good to ride like this again. The trip with these two men has been bittersweet. One of them does not know he will not be returning with us. This decision was mine alone, but the other patched-in members of the Tourmaline chapter agree with me, and we voted on it. How he reacts, no one knows.
“Salvatore’s office should be just up ahead,” I shout over the roar of our Harleys, nodding toward a red-brick two-story building. It blends in with the shops on either side of it. No one would know the leader of the Agostino family works from here. As we pull into the parking lot beside it, I cannot help but smile at the sight of us—dirty, grimy bikers surrounded by what feels like mom-and-pop businesses and clean streets. We definitely stand out, but it is just how we like it.
“Let’s get this done, boys,” I say, killing the engine and swinging my leg over the bike.
We walk the short distance to Salvatore’s building and open the old steel door. It swings open with a loud creak to reveal him standing there, hands clasped behind his back, his dark eyes sizing us up.
“Sal,” I greet him warmly, pulling him into a tight embrace. “Thanks for meeting with us.”
“Of course, Dane,” he replies, stepping aside to let us in. “I’ve always got time for my brother-in-law.”
We follow him through the foyer, through another door, and into a large space with one of the biggest oak tables I have ever seen. The top is so polished you can see your reflection in it. Most of the walls have plaster on them, but here and there, the red brick shows through, giving it an almost homey feel. Sal sits at the head of the table and gestures for us to sit in the deep leather chairs flanking the table. Sal has been a rock through the nightmare of Kat’s kidnapping, and I need him to know how much his support means to me.
“Sal, I have to say, you’ve really come through for me and my family during that whole shitstorm,” I begin, holding his gaze steadily. “You’ve had our backs, and I want you to know I’ll never forget it.”
“Family’s everything, Dane,” he replies seriously. “We do what we have to do for the ones we love.”
“Damn straight,” I agree, feeling a surge of gratitude for this man who is both my friend and my family.
“Sal, I have important news to tell you.” I glance at my men. “We’ve got some changes happening in the Tourmaline chapter. Dirt’s going step down as sergeant-at-arms.”
Salvatore raises an eyebrow in surprise.
Dirt stands. “What the fuck?”
Rising from my chair, I face one of my oldest friends. “You haven’t been happy since Lore came back on the scene. Dirt, my brother, it’s time for you to move on. You know it, I know it, so I made the decision for you.”
“There has to be a vote.” Dirt frowns.
“There was one,” I state.
“You can’t fucking kick me out.”
Reaching out, I lay a hand on his shoulder. “You’re not out. No one wants you gone, but you’ve been a miserable bastard since you got back.”
Kade barks out a laugh, and Dirt glares at him.
“Dane’s right, you haven’t been happy.” Kade holds up his hands in mock surrender.
“Who’s taking his place?” asks Sal.