Page 21 of Men Rule?
“Thank you for this,” Cheree says, following Janet’s lead up the steps.
“Anything for Grim’s people,” Janet replies, unlocking the door and leading us inside.
We step into a space that feels lived-in, the walls holding the faintest scent of lavender and dust, memories layered like paint.
“Make yourselves at home. I’ve got some stew on the stove, enough to fill your bellies before you rest.”
“Appreciate it,” I grunt, setting our bags down with a thud that seems too loud for the quiet of the apartment.
Cheree glances around, taking in the mismatched furniture and the photos of people who must have passed through Janet’s life like seasons.
“We won’t be any trouble,” Cheree assures Janet, but the old lady waves her off with a gentle hand.
“Trouble’s no stranger here. You’re under Grim’s wing, and that’s enough for me.” Janet disappears into what must be the kitchen, and the sound of bubbling stew follows her.
“JD,” Cheree starts, “you think this is safe?”
“Janet’s solid. If Grim trusts her, we can do the same.” I move closer, dropping my voice to a whisper. “But we stay sharp, Cheree. Always sharp. We’ll leave at dawn.”
“Thank you, JD,” she says, her green eyes locking onto mine.
“Hey,” I start, reaching out to tuck a loose strand of her fiery hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry it’s taken so long. This time tomorrow we’ll be in the city that never sleeps.”
She smiles, a rare moment of softness breaking through her guarded exterior. “And thanks to Grim and Janet, we can breathe a little easier tonight.”
“True.” I pull away. The weight of the gun at my back is a constant reminder of why we’re here, of the danger nipping at our heels. But right now, in this borrowed sanctuary, there’s room to exhale.
“JD, about New York...” Her voice trails off, hesitant.
“Spit it out, Cheree,” I urge, pausing in my packing.
“Maybe I want you to hang around for a bit?”
Smiling at her, I nod. “I can do that. New York’s got places we can disappear into. Places even the club’s enemies wouldn’t think to look.”
Janet bustles back into the room. “Hungry?”
“Yes,” Cheree answers before me. “Starving.”
Janet chuckles. “Come on through, I’ve got bowls on the table.”
Cheree follows Janet with me close behind. We walk through the kitchen to a small dining area. Janet has three bowls of stew with a bowl of bread rolls on her well-worn table. It smells good and after a few days of gas station food, it’s a welcome delight.
I sit next to Cheree who’s already dipped her spoon into the spoon and is blowing on it.
Janet grabs bread roll, butters it and tips it in the stew. “Eat up, there’s plenty more.”
Reaching out, I break a bread roll in two and butter both pieces. Cheree steals one off my plate.
“Hey, get your own,” I tease.
Cheree ignores me and smiles at Janet. “Thanks so much for this.”
“It’s stew, not a three-course meal but it’ll stick to your ribs. Honey, you are way too thin.”
The women chat as I eat everything in my bowl and use the bread to mop up what’s left. When I’m done, they are both staring at me.