Page 20 of Dane
The thing is, when you look deep down at Dane, you see all his beauty. The way his gray eyes sparkle when he talks about something that interests him, how one side of his mouth curls up more when he smiles, the way he can make someone feel like the most important person in the world. Then there are his muscles. They aren’t the kind you get from working out in a gym every day. His body is conditioned from the hard labor he does at his auto shop. He’s not bulky. Every time I’d seen him without a shirt when we were younger, I’d practically tripped over my own feet. He had that perfect V I wanted to trail with my tongue. I wonder if the V is still there after all these years. He’s filled out more as he’s gotten older, but he’s still lean and tight. Everything I’m not.
“Are you ignoring me, Little girl?”
His face is stern as he arches an eyebrow. Oops. Guess I need to pay better attention.
When I go to him, he studies my face as if he’s trying to memorize my features. He takes his time unzipping my coat, removing my hat, and then my gloves before he kneels in front of me and unlaces my boots.
I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do, so I wait for him to take the lead. He said he wants me to be Little. It feels like a dream. I’ve thought about being Dane’s Little girl so many times, it’s embarrassing. I’ve always known he’d be the best Daddy. Despite that, I’m not sure how to act right now. I want to cling to him. Maybe sit on his lap and snuggle into his chest while he rocks me. Or settle down at his feet and play while he watches TV. I wish I had some of my toys here. It’s hard to regress without them.
“Hands on my shoulders and step out of your boots.”
I quickly obey, flexing my fingers over his taut muscles. He’s tense under my touch, and I wonder if he feels the same uncertainty I’m feeling. Can he smell my arousal? At least my bra has some padding in it to cover my nipples. I need to remember to write a thank you letter to the lingerie store.
He sets my shoes aside and rises to his full height. My head falls back to look up at him, and I see the sparkle in his gray irises that I love so much.
“I have a surprise for you.”
I smile and lower my gaze. It lands on the bulge in his jeans, and I hope that’s his surprise. When he grabs my hand and leads me to his home office, my excitement dwindles but is quickly replaced with interest. There are at least a dozen shopping bags on the floor, and even though I can’t see the contents, there’s a lot of pink poking out.
“What’s that?”
He looks unsure as he leads me over to the pile. “I went into the city and bought you some stuff to play with. I also picked up some pacifiers, bottles, sippy cups, diapers, and clothes from a store specifically for Littles.”
My mouth drops open. I tear my eyes away from the floor to look up at him. He went shopping? For me? I can’t believe it. I mean, I know Dane is thoughtful and kind, but this…this is so special.
His eyes flash, and he steps toward me. “That’s one.”
My face scrunches as I try to figure out what he means. “Huh?”
“What are you supposed to call me when we’re alone?”
Oh, shoot.
“Correct. That’s your first warning. I’ll only give you one more before you earn a punishment.”
If my eyes could pop right out of my head, I’m sure they would. I’d be standing here with my eyeballs bouncing on the floor like rubber balls because the idea of being punished by Dane—I mean, Daddy—I think I want to experience that. He’s such a gentle soul, I wonder if he’s a soft disciplinarian. I know I’ll be disappointed if he is. I love his sensitive side, but I hope there’s an animalistic side of him in there too.
“Sorry, Daddy,” I whisper.
He winks at me and gives my chin a squeeze. “Good girl. Now, go explore your toys, and we’ll chat while you do.”
I only hesitate for a second before I drop to my knees and start pulling things from the bags. There are baby dolls and blocks and art supplies and books. Anything and everything I could possibly think of.
When I pull out a large baby bottle, I eye it, unsure if I want to admit to him how I feel about using something like this. As if he can tell I’m hesitating, he lowers himself into one of the chairs next to where I’m sitting.
“You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. All of this is your choice. I wanted to be fully prepared, though.”
When I don’t answer right away, he reaches out and strokes my cheek. I look up at him and let out the breath I’ve been holding.
“Do you want me to use it?” My voice is quiet and trembling slightly.
“I want you to do what makes you happy and comfortable. I tend to enjoy Littles who play at a younger age because I like having as much control as they’ll give me. I prefer to be the one to make all the decisions. That being said, I enjoy older Littles too. The most important thing is you do what will make you feel happiest in that headspace. Do you prefer to have some control, or do you prefer to have none?”
This man knocks me completely off balance and continues to surprise me. He also drives my arousal through the roof. I’m pretty sure I might combust at some point. I’ve never felt this kind of reaction to a man. Then again, no other man I’ve been with has been Dane Bennett. I know it’s unfair to the guys I’ve dated in the past, but the man sitting next to me has set the bar so high I don’t think anyone else can reach it.