Page 25 of Dane
“This is a greeting I could get used to.”
Every muscle in my body tenses. What does he mean by that? My mind whirls with all the possibilities. I shouldn’t overthink it. He said we should take it one day at a time. I’m not very good at being patient. I know he’s physically attracted to me, but I don’t know if he has any romantic feelings for me like I have for him.
“Come on. Let’s close the door before you catch a chill.” He leads me inside and locks up the house.
I’m fidgety. He told me what was going to happen when he came over tonight, and I’m nervous. Yet he seems completely calm, cool, and collected. His steady demeanor soothes me slightly, but I still shift from foot to foot.
“Baby, breathe. It’s me and you. Nothing’s going to happen you don’t want.”
He runs his hand up and down my arm while I take several breaths. I’m not sure why I’m freaking out so badly. I trust Dane. I know he would never do anything I didn’t want. I don’t think that’s why I’m so on edge. Maybe it’s because I know tomorrow morning, when I wake up, my feelings for him will be stronger than they are right now, and that scares the hell out of me.
“I brought everything we’ll need, but if you have anything you need to grab before we go into your room, get it now,” he says quietly.
When I shake my head, he takes my hand and pulls me through the house to my bedroom then softly shuts the door behind us. My mom turned it into a guest room after I went to college, so nothing in here represents me, which is probably a good thing right about now.
Dane sits on the edge of my bed and sets the bag he brought down next to him. Then he opens his arms and motions for me to come closer.
Without hesitation, I go to him and sigh when he wraps me up in a tight embrace.
“That’s my girl. Relax, baby. It’s time to start shutting down for the night. Let Daddy take care of you. The only thing you need to think about is what you’re going to dream about when you drift off to sleep.”
The way he speaks, the gentleness of his tone, his reassuring words, they all work to settle my nerves. Within minutes, I’m putty in his arms.
“Good girl. I’m so proud of you for listening to Daddy. I always knew you were a good Little girl.”
I nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck, loving the way his scent surrounds me. He still wears the same cologne he wore all those years ago, and I’ll never admit it, but I have a bottle of it sitting on my dresser at home so I can spray my tiny stuffed bear every few days. The same bear Dane gave me for my sixteenth birthday. I doubt he remembers it. It’s one of those Beanie Baby toys. They were all the rage when Greer and I were teens. We collected as many as we could.
“Okay, baby. Let’s get you changed. I brought you two outfits to choose from since I don’t know if you sleep hot or cold.”
First, he pulls out a pair of pastel green footie pajamas with white bunnies printed all over them. They’re freaking adorable, and I want to put them on right this second, but I’d roast all night if I wore them to bed. Next, he pulls out a lavender short-sleeved nightie that doesn’t look long enough to cover my bottom. It has frills added to the hem, and there’s a ladybug on it with the words Love Bug printed over the top.
“Ohmygosh! I love it. I want that one.”
The excitement and Littleness of my voice surprises me, but Dane just chuckles and nods.
“Good choice, baby. It’ll give me more chances to get a peek at your cute bottom.”
My cheeks burn with arousal. I avoid looking him in the eye. It’s hard to believe he thinks my bottom is cute, but at the same time, his eyes can’t lie.
Then he pulls out a thick diaper, and I might combust with embarrassment. My panties are soaked, and if he plans to pull them down and put the diaper on me, he’s going to see how wet I am.
“Look at me.” His voice is gentle, but his tone leaves no room for argument. “Good girl,” he says when I obey. “Don’t overthink it, baby. Let me take care of you. If you tell me you don’t want me to diaper you for bed, I won’t, but I want you to be truthful. Do you want me to put this on you?”
He holds it up, and my eyes fall to the cute design. It has little bunnies printed on the outside, along with flowers. When I glance up at him again, he arches an eyebrow as he waits for an answer.
It takes every bit of courage I have, but finally, I nod. “Yes, please.”
I can tell my answer pleases him, and I relax. He wants this too. And based on the bulge in his jeans, he’s as aroused as I am. I guess it’s a two-way street for us. Glad I’m not the only one who feels this way.
Without another word, he stands and turns me so the backs of my legs are against the bed. I shiver as he grabs the hem of my sweater and pulls it up and over my head. My automatic response is to cover my tummy, but as I start to do that, he grabs my wrists and shakes his head.
“Don’t hide your beautiful body from me, Summer. You’re perfect. Every soft curve of you.”
Wow. I feel like I need to check if my panties are going up in flames. Men have told me I’m hot before, but I don’t think any man has ever called me beautiful or perfect. My pulse races. Then he reaches behind me and unhooks my bra. The look on his face when he pulls the material away turns primal. He stares at my heavy breasts and licks his lips. For the first time, the gentle Dane I’ve always known is gone, and in his place is a hunter who’s found his prey.
Under his gaze, another shiver runs down my spine, and my nipples harden.
“Jesus Christ, baby.”