Page 44 of Dane
I smile and nod, but as I rise from the couch, the doorbell rings. Dane is standing on the porch when I open the door with a paper bag in his hand.
“Hi,” he says quietly. “I brought lunch. I hope that’s okay.”
Butterflies go wild in my tummy as I let my gaze roam over him. My nipples press against my bra, and the spot between my thighs aches. I want him so badly. And here he is, being the sweetest man by bringing lunch for us.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
His entire expression darkens as he flexes his jaw. Without a word, he steps into the house and makes his way to the kitchen. I follow and watch as he pulls out plates and unwraps three sandwiches.
“After we eat, I have some information I want to go over with you,” he says with his back to me. “I found a specialist in Portland who works with dementia patients. I did some reading about him, and he’s the best in the state. I thought we could see about getting your mom an appointment and see what he recommends. If you’d like, of course.”
Warmth spreads through me. He researched doctors? Why would he do that? I mean, I’m super grateful. I’ve been so overwhelmed. I haven’t known where to start getting help with my mom. I’m an intelligent woman, but it’s felt like I haven’t been able to process how to handle this. And now, this man, my Daddy, is stepping in and taking over but still including me.
I wrap my arms around his waist from behind, nuzzling my face against his back. He smells delicious, as always. My body is buzzing for him. He told me I wasn’t allowed to touch myself, and it’s been torture. I want him so badly. I feel like I might die if I don’t get him naked soon. Sheesh. When did I turn into such a hornball?
“Thank you, Daddy.”
“Anything for you, baby girl. Come, let’s eat.”
He sets all of us up for lunch, and though my mom doesn’t remember either of us, she smiles throughout the meal and brings up the weather a few times. Dane remains patient and answers the same questions several times. He doesn’t seem the least bit annoyed or bored.
“I’m going to take a rest,” my mom announces after we finish.
I nod. “Okay. I’ll see you later.”
She smiles and stares at me for an extra-long moment before she leaves us alone in the kitchen.
“I heard you’re going out with the girls tonight.”
“Who did you hear that from?” I smirk at him.
These men, I swear, they’re nosier than me and my friends. And somehow, they always know what we’re up to.
“Jaxon. We have poker night tonight, and he told us when we were making plans.”
Of course. Now that we have a friend who’s in a relationship with one of the guys, they seem more in the know than usual. Makes sense. I’m pretty sure Jaxon is over-the-top protective when it comes to Leah. Meaning he probably knows where she is at all times, what she’s doing, and who she’s with. From what she’s told us, though, he’s still respectful and lets her have her time with her friends without making her feel guilty. As long as he knows she’s safe, he doesn’t give her many restrictions on her social life.
“Poker night, huh? Maybe we should crash it. It’s been a while since we blessed you all with our presence.”
Dane groans and shakes his head. “The last time you blessed us, I had two of my sister’s dildos suction cupped to my front door and a fucking dog with a big googly eye sitting on my front porch. I don’t think I want to experience that again.”
I giggle at the memory. That was right after I came back to Pine Hollow. Dane and I weren’t on speaking terms, so it had been awkward. I hadn’t stayed long that night because it felt weird being in his house. It had still been hilarious. My friends and I had practically peed our pants laughing so hard.
He winks at me and sits back in his chair, then snatches me up from mine and settles me on his lap. I love when he does that. It makes me feel small and precious.
“Since your mom is napping, and you have a few hours before you have to do anything, how about we go to Daddy’s house so you can play for a bit?”
My eyes light up, and I bob my head. Even though I absolutely love our time together at night and the way he makes me feel so incredibly Little at bedtime, I haven’t gotten to play much since the first day he bought all those toys. I’ve been itching to play with the dollies again.
A chuckle rolls up from his chest. “I thought you’d like that. While we’re over there, I have papers for you with the different specialist’s information. If you make the appointment for a time that works for both of you, I’ll drive you since it’s a bit of a trek.”
Not wanting to ruin the moment or get the stern look he seems to give me whenever I tell him he doesn’t have to do that, I nod and smile.
Within ten minutes, we’re at his house. It only took that long because he insisted I had to wear a coat, hat, and gloves to make the ten-second walk from my place to his. Silly Daddy. He might be a bit over-the-top too.
When we get inside, he unzips my coat and removes all my warm layers. I love when he does that. Obviously, I’m more than capable, but whenever I try to do it myself, he brushes my hands away.