Page 75 of Rapture and Ruin
Felix shrugs. “You wouldn’t, would you? There was so much going on in your life at that time. It’s no wonder that things have fallen through the cracks. Although, I have to admit that I was rather impressed when you set that fire. It got me thinking about what I would do when I returned to Miami for good.”
“I still don’t know what you’re talking about.” I tighten my grip on the piece of metal. “Let me go. I promise to leave before Jovan gets here. I can make sure that he doesn’t come after you.”
He smirks and shakes his head. “I’m afraid that this has been a long time coming. You have your parents to thank for my being back, though. They worked as informants against the Ruiz cartel. And then after Jovan slaughtered my family, I had them turn their attention to his cartel.”
“Ruiz, as in Carlos?”
“Now you’re starting to put it together. Awful shame that you murdered him. Although, his brother is probably glad. It leaves him without another mess to clean up.”
My head is spinning with the new information. Though I wish that I could say I’m surprised to find out that my parents are informants, I’m not. They would do anything for drugs. If that meant spying on one cartel and feeding information to another, then that is what they would do.
“Now,” Felix says as he stands up straight. “You can either put that down and come with me, or I can drag you out of here. Either way, we have to be on the deck soon for our meeting with your boyfriend.”
“He’s not going to get himself trapped on this boat with you,” I say, though I know if there’s one thing I can count on when it comes to Jovan, it’s that he will do anything he can to protect his family.
Felix laughs and shakes his head as he takes slow steps toward me. “You and I both know that isn’t true.” And damn if he isn’t right.
My heart is racing and my stomach tosses and turns. I feel like I’m going to be sick but I have to do whatever I can to hold it together. I have to be in control. One wrong move on my end could get the baby killed before Jovan even gets here.
I put my hand on my stomach. Everything is going to be okay, little one. We’re going to make it out of this just fine.
At least, I hope so.
“Put the metal down and come with me, Hadley. I don’t want to make this any harder than it needs to be.”
I put the piece of metal down as he closes the distance between us. I don’t want to end up dead, and I know he won’t hesitate to kill me if I try something funny.
Although, if he does that, he loses whatever power he has over Jovan. If I can just stall him long enough, maybe Jovan can get on the boat before Felix and his men even know he’s here.
Felix’s guard is down as he stands in front of me. He grabs my chin and tilts my face up, smirking when I scowl.
“You got your mother’s beauty. At least, what she had before she took all those drugs. It’s a shame that Carlos got her hooked in the first place. Your father, well, there would have been no saving him. Your mother on the other hand, she always wanted to quit. Kept trying to get clean for you.”
His words hurt worse than any stab wound ever could. I never knew that my mom was trying to get clean for me. She never talked about it.
“After I’m done with you, I’m going to have to go deal with that fool, Alessio Marchetti. He was supposed to kill the both of you long before I ever did. That’s why I sent word of your parents being alive around town. Of you helping hide them. So that he’d do something about you to protect his friend and then Jovan would go after him demanding retribution, and he’d die a pitiful death at the hands of his friend too.”
“That was you?”
His smile is predatory as he nods. “Brilliant, right? If Alessio wasn’t such an incompetent, useless asshole.”
“Alessio isn’t incompetent. He’s smarter than you give him credit for and a true friend. He wouldn’t betray Jovan like that. And speaking of, Jovan isn’t going to let you off this boat and we both know it,” I say, tearing away from him.
I reach down and grab the piece of metal from the bed, swinging it straight into Felix’s crotch. He groans and drops to the ground as I take off running for the door with the metal still in my hand.
All I need to do is get off the boat.
I’m heading up the stairs when a hand grabs my hair and pulls me back down. I scream as I hit the floor, pain radiating through my body.
“You are a clever little bitch, aren’t you?” Felix growls beside my ear. “It really is too bad that I’m going to have to kill you. I was going to leave you and your baby alive. Of course, you would have been working for me for the rest of your life, but I would have thought that was better than death.”
“Fuck you,” I say, spitting the blood that pools in my mouth at him. “You’re going to die for what you’ve done to me.”
“I haven’t done anything yet.” He lets go of my hair and grabs my bicep, hauling me to my feet. “In fact, I’m just getting started. For a while, I thought it was going to be only you I got to kill. Imagine my surprise when I broke into your apartment and found those ultrasound pictures.”
‘You touch my baby and I will kill you myself,” I say, my hands curling into fists. I try to pull my arm free but he only tightens his grip as he drags me through the boat.
“Hadley, I’ve already told you that I don’t want to make this any harder than it has to be. If you would stop fighting me every step of the way, then it might not be so bad.”