Page 14 of Sins and Secrets
“You know, if you don’t make it through this, I promise to make sure that Billie is taken care of. She’ll have a position of power within the mafia. I think she’s earned it after all these years. She could become a consigliere if she wants it. Davide would be happy to share.”
Though I think I know what I’ll do to take care of her, I know that if Arturo dies, there will be no saving Billie. She is unpredictable and wild.
If her father dies, she will hit the self-destruct button and take down everyone in her path.
I’ll do everything I can to keep that from happening. I owe it to Arturo.
I sit in the back of the car, glancing at Emilia in the mirror. She offers me a reassuring smile as we move through the line of traffic to Club 666.
The hair on the back of my neck stands up as I get the sense we’re being watched. When I look over my shoulder, nobody is there. At least, nobody I can see.
We’re in enemy territory. Paolo Marino is going to have men in the shadows, watching for any sign of trouble.
“Everything is going to be fine,” Emilia says, turning down the radio. “You are dressed to kill and the men are going to be falling all over themselves to get a shot at you. You’re definitely going to bring in way more than the minimum bid.”
“I hope so,” I say as I smooth down the material of the black silk slip dress I’m wearing. “I’ve spent the last week lying low since my meeting with Alessio.”
Emilia shakes her head. “I still don’t know why you thought that picking a fight with a capo would be a good idea. If you had just been quiet and kept to yourself, you would have drawn less attention to yourself.”
I shrug and look out the tinted window at the people milling about in the street hoping to get into the clubs that lined it. “I told you. There was no way that I was just going to allow that man to put his hands on me. Breaking his nose wasn’t the worst that I could have done. Besides, I got a proper chewing out from Alessio afterward.”
“And now that you’re following along with his punishment and acting like the perfect little mafia member, he really doesn’t suspect anything.” Emilia laughs and shakes her head again. “Sometimes I can’t believe the things that you come up with.”
“A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do to survive. I need to get out of here. He went easy on me and I’m grateful for it. I know that it could have been worse. That’s exactly why I’m doing this. Why I’m trying to get out of this life. A woman shouldn’t be punished for defending herself, even if the punishment is as simple as mine has been.”
The car inches forward in traffic. Emilia pulls up alongside the curb, the Club 666 sign glowing neon pink against the dark night. She takes a deep breath and turns off the car before twisting to face me.
“Last chance,” she says as I take out the invitation. “Are you sure that you want to do this? There is still time to back out. I’m sure that we could find another way for you to come up with the money you need to leave.”
“I don’t think there is.” I pull out a small compact mirror from my purse and adjust my makeup. “Not this fast anyway. I’m going to do what I must to keep my papa safe. If this is the best way to do it, then that is what I got to do.”
Emilia nods and reaches back to take my hand. She gives it a quick squeeze. “You call me as soon as you can and let me know what’s going on. If anything happens to you, call me and I will make Davide come get you.”
I laugh and squeeze her hand back. “Everything is going to be fine. You don’t need to worry about me. I know how to take care of myself.”
“I don’t care.” She gives me a stern look. “Promise me that you’re going to call me if you need help. I don’t want you to feel like you’re trapped in whatever you get yourself into.”
As I put away my compact, I squeeze her hand again. “I’m going to call you if I need to. I promise. I won’t do anything stupid, and I know that you’ll come get me if I ever get in over my head. It’s only going to be two months, though. I’m sure it will be fine.” I need to believe this.
“Stop dismissing the danger, Billie. You could die. You need to be careful with what you’re doing. I don’t want to bury my best friend.”
“You’re not going to bury me. I will call you as often as I can.” I hope I get to do that much, at least.
“Good.” Emilia’s eyes water and she lets go of my hand to swipe away the tears. “I love you, Billie.”
“I love you too.” I give her a smile before opening the door and stepping out onto the sidewalk. “Thank you for this. You don’t know what it means to me. I’m so lucky to have a friend like you.”
Emilia waves a hand, already biting back more tears. I swallow the lump that rises in my own throat before shutting the door.
As I spin to face the club, I hold my head high. I’m walking into the lion’s den, and I need to be prepared. Not only have I no idea what’s waiting for me, other than being sold for two months, but there is a chance that some people could recognize me. This whole auction would be done for me if that happened. These people have to think that I’m Emilia.
If they don’t, I’m dead.
I stride toward the door, my heels clicking against the cement. There are a few muffled protests as I pass several people waiting in line and head straight to the bouncer. The man crosses his arms, his biceps bulging as he looks down at me.