Page 19 of Sins and Secrets
“Thank you, Geoff,” I say, holding out my hand. He shakes it before sitting back down to review the requirements page.
I duck my head and leave the club, trying not to be seen by Paolo or any of his people in the process. I’ve already made it this far and I don’t want to be caught now.
While I might not have gotten the information I came for, I’m going home with a much better prize.
This might just be the final straw that breaks the camel’s back for her.
As I lean against the brick wall, watching the street, my cock throbs. Thinking about the way she would try to prove herself to me. She will try to play the game, but she isn’t going to win.
In a few years, I have no doubt that she will be able to face down some of the most dangerous men and women in the world. She’s smart and she’s the kind of person who will do well in a life of crime.
She’s the kind of woman who doesn’t allow others to tame her. Wild and free is how Arturo has always described her. The docile young woman she presents to me most of the time isn’t the person she truly is.
Others may not be able to tame her, but I’m looking forward to trying.
“This way,” Geoff says, standing up after I’ve signed my name to the contract. “Please wait by the door while I make two copies of these. One will be for you and the other will be for the man who purchased you.”
“Where is he?” I ask, proud when my voice doesn’t waver even though it feels like my entire body is shaking.
It was too bright on the stage to see the crowd. I have no clue who bought me for the next two months or why they were willing to spend millions of dollars to do so.
“Outside. I’ll take you out to meet him and then you’re on your own after that.”
I nod and try to take a deep breath as I stand up. My contract could have been worse. Even though the man is willing to pay an obscene amount of money for me, he wrote in the contract that I had to beg for sex if I wanted it.
There is going to be no chance of that. I don’t want to sleep with a man who is willing to buy my time.
As I stand by the door, I keep trying to remind myself why I’m doing this, but nothing is chasing away the disgusting feeling that crawls through me. If there was another way to get the money as soon as I needed it, I would have done it.
However, this is the best chance I have.
I need to keep reminding myself of that if I’m going to get through the next two months. While the man who bought me might have written in a clause about sex, I’m sure that he will try to push it. Most men do.
“Come this way,” Geoff says as he hands me both copies of the contract.
He leads me back through the club and out the front door to a sleek black sedan with windows tinted so dark I can’t see inside of them. The back door opens and my mouth drops open.
“This is the man who bought you. Good luck, Emilia. You should see the first half of the money minus the club’s cut by tomorrow morning.”
“Thank you,” I say, trying to ignore the way my heart races when Alessio’s gaze drags up and down my body.
He looks at me like a man starved as I stride toward the car, trying to pretend as if I’ve never met him before. How he got into the club and through the auction without being recognized, I don’t know. Security is tight, but here he is, without a gun pressed to his head.
“After you,” Alessio says, standing to the side and gesturing to the car. “It’s time to head to your home for the next two months.”
I bite back the nervous laugh that threatens to bubble to the surface.
What does he mean? Will I be locked up? Trapped in the compound, away from the main house where most of the other members of the famiglia are?
I would be isolated from everyone I know.
At least I know what kind of person I’m dealing with.
Except this time, if I want to get paid, I’ll have to let him control me. Own me.