Page 86 of Sins and Secrets
“Davide, this better be important,” I say, turning on the speakerphone before flipping through several reports Billie put on my desk that morning. “I have to sift through the profit and loss statements for the last month and I can’t do that if you’re just calling to chat.”
“No, boss. It is important.” He clears his throat and I hear several voices in the background of the call. “We have a problem. I’m at The Hurricane and there is some trouble brewing outside. At least, that’s what Carmello is telling me. I got here a few minutes ago, but I didn’t see anything suspicious.”
“Carmello is a greasy bastard. Stay with him until I get there to deal with the situation. Do not let him out of your sight.”
I hang up and open the bottom drawer of my desk, grabbing out the two guns I have hidden in there. Billie enters the office with another stack of paper, her gaze distant as she looks past me.
“Billie, I have to go check out a problem at one of my clubs. I wanted to talk to you first but given the current situation, it’s going to have to be quick.”
She raises an eyebrow and puts the stack of papers down on my desk. “Alright.”
“I should have listened to you the first time that you told me to back off but I kept pressing. I thought I knew what was best for you, but I didn’t take the time to think about the consequences of using mafia money. I’m sorry. I should have listened to you.”
“Thank you,” she says, a smile spreading across her face. “Now, what’s going on and why are you rushing out of here with two guns?”
I hand her one with a smile. “I doubt there is any chance that I’m getting out of here without you.”
She laughs and checks the gun over before tucking it into the back of her waistband and pulling her blouse down over it. “No. If there’s something you’re about to rush blindly into, I feel like I should be there for backup.”
“Let’s get going, then. I think Paolo is at The Hurricane. If not, he’s going to be there soon. Davide is there and watching over everything, but the club manager, Carmello, is someone I think would have betrayed me if there was a good opportunity presented to him.”
Billie follows me out of the office, shaking her head. “Then why is he still alive or part of the famiglia?”
“I don’t have enough evidence to do anything about it. We’re probably walking into a trap, though.” We get on the elevator, my mind already racing.
The club is going to be under attack when I get there. I already know it. Paolo has been quiet for too long and this would be the perfect opportunity for him to strike out. He’s going to kill as many people as possible before moving onto the next place he plans to attack. It’s what he would have learned how to do from my father.
As the elevator doors open into the parking garage, I take a deep breath. Hopefully, this will be the end of it, but Paolo is smart. I don’t know if he will be at the club when we get there, but if he is, I have a bullet with his name on it.
I look to the ceiling as I unlock my car. Somewhere, my big brother is watching this entire situation unfold and he has never been more disappointed in me.
I’m sorry, Enzo. I have to kill him.
I hear the gunshots before I see the dead bodies. I park the car in an alley around the corner from the club and look over at Billie. She has her gun out and looks like she is ready to kill anyone who crosses her.
“When we get in there, you need to stay back. If things get worse, get in the car and go home. Don’t try and save the day,” I say, leaning over to look at her. “Don’t do anything that is going to get you hurt.”
I kiss her, my tongue tangling with hers. If this is the last time that I kiss her, then I want it to be memorable. My hands sink into her hair and I hold her close, kissing her until we’re both gasping for breath.
“Stay safe,” I say before getting out of the car.
I take off running to the corner of the building with my gun drawn. Billie’s footsteps echo behind me as we round the corner, keeping close to the buildings lining the street and making our way to the club.
Billie watches my back as I open the door to the club and see the front entrance littered with bodies. There is too much blood to distinguish if they are my men or Paolo’s.
Davide is behind the bar, shooting everyone who heads his way. I run to join him while Billie takes off the other way, diving behind the DJ booth. Davide looks over at me with a grimace as we both duck down.
“What’s the situation?” I ask, standing up enough to shoot a man in the head before crouching back down. “How many of ours are dead and how long do we have until the cops show up?”
“Cops are maybe ten minutes out. Most of the bodies are ours. We’re losing bad. Paolo isn’t here, but his second, Maximo, is. He’s looking to kill as many people as possible.”
Davide stands and shoots another man in the head before nodding to me. I get up and the two of us shoot down three more men. Through the door to the kitchen, more men come running.
“You stay here,” I say, gauging the distance between me and the kitchen. “I’ll go in there and take care of the men in there. You stay out here and make sure that nothing happens to Billie.”
Davide’s eyebrows raise but he nods. I take a deep breath before starting to make my way around the edge of the club. I stick close to the wall, hiding behind the big leather couches that are already riddled with bullet holes.
I make it to the kitchen and look around for anyone who might still be in there. It’s only when I round the corner that the mouth of a gun presses against the back of my head.