Page 10 of Make Me Burn
“Yes, I will.”
Erica told her she would put her on the guest list and gave her a few more details.
“By the way,” Jinx said, “how did Portia come across my jewelry?”
“Logan Bennett showed her his new cuff and sent her to your website.”
Oh no. She definitely did not want any favors from Logan. But she also did not want to turn down a Portia Torrent commission. How could she not have guessed this? He had asked her about it only yesterday. Was Portia his girlfriend? Fingers on the keyboard, Jinx started a fast search. Talk about a nightmare—making a special piece for the woman who got the man she’d always wanted. Not happening.
“Are they still dating?” Jinx asked, her chest tight as she looked at a picture of Logan with Portia, the headline: “Portia’s Latest?”
“Never were,” Erica said. “That was a rumor. Just business and friends.”
Okay, so his investment firm must handle her money. It worried Jinx how relieved she was to hear that. This was dangerous territory.
Erica went on. “But you know how it is when other women see you with a man like Logan Bennett. The first thing they think of is jumping his bones and with his rep they assume that is what’s going on.”
“Guess so,” Jinx managed to say. His rep? As what? A womanizer? A great lover? Her head was spinning.
“And Logan is such a great guy, but I’m sure you know that.” Erica’s voice took on a dreamy tone. Yeah, Logan tended to have that effect on women.
“Sure do,” Jinx said, a fake lightness in her voice.
“Well, he’ll be at the party tomorrow night. More incentive to make it there, right?”
They ended the call and Jinx tried to figure out her next step.
Was he trying to buy his way into her panties? Was he trying to make up for what he did to her brother? Or was he trying play big brother himself, which was just as obnoxious.
It was hard to figure out because, according to her brother, Jinx did not know the real Logan Bennett.
Jinx spent some time searching the net for everything she could find on Logan, but as far as women went, it was mostly that same one he seemed to be coupled with. A blond beauty whose name was not listed in the few photos of her. But whether or not she was Logan’s woman was beside the point. A couple articles that Jinx had seen before painted him as a dynamo in his field, and one as a ruthless operator.
On impulse she decided to call him at his office and tell him she did not want him playing big brother and see how it went. She had bookmarked his company on her tablet and now went to the website. His main company was in Beverly Hills, with branches in New York, Atlanta, Chicago, Boston, London, and Zurich. Geez.
Anthia had told her he’d said he was going back to Manhattan when she waited on him at the inn yesterday.
“All right, let’s see…investment banking, institutional investment management, private wealth management, sales and trading…” Jinx tried to find some kind of listing for Logan on the website.
Was he the head of one of these departments? No, he owned the company. So, would he be the president? The CEO? Or some other title she’d never heard of? How could she possibly know when all this stuff was like a foreign language to her?
Finally she gave up and dialed the main number of the Manhattan location.
“Bennett Meyers,” a woman said. “How may I help you?”
“I would like to speak with Logan Bennett please.”
A pause, then the woman said, “Who is calling?”
“Jin—uh, Gianna D’Alessio.”
“In reference to?”
This felt like one of those trick questions, so she played it coy, saying, “A commission.”
“Are you an employee of—”
“No. A friend.”