Page 28 of Make Me Burn
But he was holding one hand of a little boy. And the woman he was with was holding the child’s other hand. They were laughing and smiling at each other, the caring love between them so beautiful. They were the image of a happy family. Mommy, daddy, and son.
The very image of what Jinx had always dreamed of with Logan. But apparently another woman had beaten her to it.
Jinx could not stop staring at them. Could not make her feet move. All the air seemed to get sucked out of her chest. Her stomach turned over and she feared she might vomit right on the sidewalk and embarrass herself in front of Logan—and his wife or whatever he called the mother of his child.
And she realized Victor was right. And Natalie was right. Logan was a skilled conman. A user. A liar and a cheat.
At that moment he must have felt her eyes on him because Logan looked right at her. And the surprise on his face at being found out crushed her heart so badly all she could do was turn away and run.
Jinx hardly even knew she was running, her legs taking over and carrying her, reacting to her pain. She thought she heard Logan call her name, but that might have been her imagination. With the dream she had held onto for so long being shattered before her eyes, nothing seemed real.
She neared Central Park and turned in, jogging along a path. This time she did hear her name called and glanced back to see Logan running after her. Why? Hadn’t she been humiliated enough? Jinx did not want his pity or his apologies or any other kind of bullshit story he was going to try on her.
She kept on running, but all of a sudden strong arms reached around her, pulling her to a stop, pulling her against his hard body and holding her there.
“Let me go or I’ll scream for the police,” she growled.
“Please, Jinx, just let me explain.”
“Save it, asshole. Go back to your wife.”
His arms loosened slightly, but he kept hold of her, turning her to face him. “She is not my wife, not a lover either. It’s Deena. The woman I told you is my business partner.”
“Well, you look pretty darn cozy with your little son between you.”
“He is not my son. He is my godson. And yes, we are close. I told you, she is my best friend. Her dad was the closest thing to a father I ever knew.”
Jinx wanted so badly to believe him, but… “Then why didn’t you answer my messages for the last couple days?”
“Because when you did not answer my messages I got desperate and drove out to the North Fork, but when I looked in the window of Bajinx and saw Victor there, I understood why you were avoiding me. And I realized how wrong it is for us to try to be together when your family hates me.”
“It is only wrong if you are a lying, cheating dick,” she spat out, breathing hard and glaring at him. “Are you one?”
He laughed. “Only you would ask someone a question like that.”
“You did not answer me.”
“No, I am not,” he said, meeting her gaze with a combination of affection and heat. “In fact, I’m such a good guy that I would never put you in a position where you have to choose between me and your family.”
Jinx stepped back, out of his grip, but before she could say anything, a boy came racing toward them.
“Uncle Logan!” It was the little boy who’d been with Logan and the woman, his mother chugging along behind him.
“I apologize for interrupting,” the woman called out. “I tried to stop him, but he insisted you might need his help. And you know how hard it is to control someone as headstrong he is.”
“Yeah, I do,” Logan said, looking Jinx in the eye. She crossed her arms over her chest and smirked. He turned to the boy and said, “Actually, Sammy, I do need your help. Will you please explain to this lady that I am your godfather?”
The boy stepped up to Jinx and said, “Uncle Logan is my godfather and the best uncle in the world. He plays with me and gets me the best gifts and taught me how to make Gorgon do tricks. Why is Uncle Logan chasing you?”
“Gorgon is his dog,” the woman supplied.
Jinx could not help but smile. “What is your name?” she asked, avoiding his question.
“Oh, sorry,” Logan said. “This is Sam and his mother, Deena Meyers Funt. And this is Jinx D’Alessio.” He gestured to her.
Deena shook her hand, but the boy stepped forward and performed an exaggerated bow, saying, “Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Darassio.”
His mother bit her lips to keep from laughing, then said, “So, you are the famous Jinx.”