Page 97 of Silk & Sand
Seth had hoped for a bit more enthusiasm, but he’d take whatever he could get. He’d take anything that kept Raider with him.
Lord Malik, however, seemed to find Raider’s answer entirely satisfactory because his teeth flashed in the sunlight as he said, “Excellent.”
IT CAME AS NO surprise to Raider when the overdressed Lord Malik snapped his fingers and a quadrant of burly, bare-chested men wearing dhotis and sandals came trotting around the corner bearing a platform-style litter. An expensive rug and assortment of cushions softened the top so the occupants could be borne through the city as though on a flying carpet.
The bearers lowered the litter.
What was Seth thinking accepting such an out-of-place invitation? Generosity had nothing to do with it. Whatever Prince Rahim (or his fancy lord here) might say, he wanted something from Seth.
And while there was no fucking way Raider would have let Seth go alone, it did annoy him mightily that Seth had spoken for them both without consulting him. And there Seth went, climbing aboard the litter as though he hadn’t a care in the world, as though all of this was very convenient for him and he expected Raider to blithely follow along.
Wait, no. Seth was aware that Raider wasn’t pleased—because he looked back at him with those green eyes practically burning, his expression clearly saying, Get your ass up here. Now.
And, damn it all, but it soothed something in Raider to see that command.
He stepped onto the carpeted litter, dropped his gear, and angled his scimitar so he could sit down. As the litter was hoisted, Raider went back to work on his lamb kabob. Seth’s food had vanished because, surprise, Seth was too well mannered to bring street food onto an expensive litter, but Raider was hungry.
Besides, Seth had bought this for him.
They traveled a major avenue to the palace, so it was a short trip, but there was still plenty of time for silky fine Lord Malik to pepper Seth with questions. Was that a chakram? Would Seth do him the honor of allowing him to inspect it? Oh, a hundred blessings upon him!
Raider narrowed his eyes, not liking Malik’s interest in Seth.
“And your gauntlet summons its return?” Lord Malik marveled, turning the razor-sharp weapon with delicate fingers.
After explaining the rudiments of the weapon’s function, Seth asked, “You’re an arcanist?”
Malik gave a pleased smile. “What gave it away?”
“I’ve known a few,” Seth replied in a wry tone.
Lord Malik, obnoxiously, chuckled. Was the man flirting with Seth?
Raider flicked his empty skewer into the street. Malik should have been glad it didn’t end up in his eye.
“And the litter is clearly arcane,” Seth added. “Four men couldn’t carry this with our combined weight.”
“An astute observation,” Malik commented, making Raider long for his skewer back so he could stab both of them—Malik for fawning over Seth, and Seth for making it so easy for him.
“However,” Malik went on, “I am no artificer. The litter caught Prince Rahim’s interest some years ago and he, most magnanimously, allows me its use.”
“A generous prince.”
The ornate wind towers and bulbous turquoise roofs of the palace loomed from behind its walls. At the approach of the litter, the gates swung open onto a sandstone courtyard with an avenue of palm trees leading to the palace. A mosaic of colorful tiles adorned the palace face with a sun and moon motif. Guards flanked a peaked door with intricate carvings worked into its panels.
As the bearers lowered the litter, Seth and Raider slung their gear over their shoulders and followed Malik into the palace. Between the draw of the palace’s wind towers (which likely had arcane enhancements) and the evaporative cooling of a wide, shallow pool in the foyer, the air was quite pleasant.
Servants in dhotis and simple robes hurried through the wide, columned space. Two young males appeared in front of them, bowing to Malik and nodding at his instructions, spoken in Kastalan. Then Malik turned to Seth and Raider.
“I will allow you to refresh yourselves before dinner,” he said with his irritating smile.
“We’re most grateful for such hospitality,” Seth replied politely.
Raider barely suppressed his eye roll.