Page 113 of Dr. Aster
“I have no idea,” I grinned. “But I’m not Momma, so long as it’s safe for both of them, I’ll make it happen.”
A few minutes after speaking with Miss Blakely, she agreed to induce labor and get things rolling on the last day of the year, and we crossed our fingers for her wish to come true. All we could do now was wait and monitor.
I walked toward where John was chatting with the nurses and a couple of technicians at the nurses’ station while they all stood around staring at him like he was Chris Hemsworth.
It was his day off, so he graced us with his presence, wearing dark denim jeans with his black, long-sleeved shirt clinging to his chest. The man had the perfect ass, which complemented his hard, thick muscular thighs. I was a fortunate woman if we were judging him merely on his physicality. Lucky for me, he was also funny, brilliant, tender, lovi?—
“It’s the woman of the hour,” Oscar, the newest intern on the team, interrupted my thoughts.
John turned, leaned his arm back on the counter gracefully, eyed me, and smiled as if he’d waited his entire life for me to walk out of a labor and delivery room to meet him.
“The woman of my dreams, you mean?” John said, his eyes locked onto mine.
“Dreams, eh?” I said, hugging him and pressing my lips to his cheek just to feel the light scruff and inhale the rich cologne I loved so much.
“I’m going to marry your ass one day,” he said, handing me the coffee he’d brought. “All I need is a yes.”
I sipped the coffee and smiled at everyone, watching us act young and in love.
“Keep proposing to me with a cup of coffee instead of a ring while I’m on a seventy-two-hour shift, and you’ll definitely get a yes.”
“Then that’s exactly what I’ll do. Can’t hurt to insist on having two Dr. Asters working at Saint John’s.”
I leaned up and kissed him as the small group he’d been entertaining upon my arrival walked away, returning to their routines.
“Listen,” John said as I reached into the brown bag he’d handed me and pulled out a fancy blueberry muffin. “I have a huge request of you?”
I nodded, catching the crumb that fell off the warm muffin after I took a bite. “I’m listening. And no, I’m not ready to marry you.”
I eyed him with humor, knowing that any request was possible with John these days.
“Close,” he said, seeming a bit nervous.
“John?” I said, starting to feel nervous myself. “Just come out and say it. I don’t think I can safely guess with you anymore.”
“My brother gets married in two weeks,” he said, making it sound like he was going to a funeral. “I want you with me.”
“I’ve most likely got to work,” I said. “How long will we be gone, and where will it be?”
“You will be able to get the time off. You know that’s never been a problem here if they have notice.”
“Right, okay,” I said. “Again, where is it, and how much time will I need to take off?”
“So, you’re okay to come with me, then?”
He acted relieved like a thousand-pound weight had been lifted off his shoulders, but I still had no specifics.
“I don’t know. I need to know how long we will be gone. From what I gather from the importance of your family, this event will not be small. It’s probably on some isolated island in Greece or Italy?”
“Italy doesn’t have isolated islands like Greece,” he said factually.
“It was a joke, but from how you make your family out to be, I wouldn’t be surprised if they raised an island over there just to own one.”
“Yeah, that wouldn’t surprise me either,” he said with a roll of his eyes. “It’s going to be in Monaco. My family is pretty close with the royal family there, and it promises to be quite the event.”
“Holy shit, Monaco?” I said, trying not to suck in the muffin out of shock. “So, this is like a Grace Kelly wedding, then? A big affair?”
He shrugged. “It’s just a show to inform everyone that two powerful families are joining forces.”