Page 145 of Dr. Aster
“Listen,” Ashley said as Avery slouched, evidently angry at herself for doing something that might cause the exciting night to crash and burn. “Jim has a meeting with John tomorrow. I only know about it because they discussed having Jake attend.”
“Do you know what it’s about?” I questioned, my heart feeling like an electric current was thumping through it.
“I have no idea,” Avery answered dryly while Ash shook her head. “But Jim says John is insistent upon having this meeting.”
“Maybe he ditched his family and wants his job back,” I said nonchalantly, but fuck if my heart wasn’t going to burst, knowing that he was in California at this very moment.
“And how would that make you feel?” my mom questioned, knowing only minor details about the Monaco disaster and mine and John’s short-lived relationship.
The girls, on the other hand, I’d been hanging out with more often, and they knew it was extremely difficult for me to process that John had fallen off the face of the earth without any explanation or apology, and it was the worst mind screw I’d ever experienced.
“I don’t know,” I answered truthfully. “It would be weird working with him again.”
“I would imagine it being uncomfortable as hell,” my sister added. “I haven’t heard much gossip, but from what my client has said—her husband’s family is quite close to the Asters—John seemed miserable at some event they were attending. She said he looked like he was about to flip the table and storm out.”
“Good,” Avery added. “That’s what he gets for allowing his mommy and daddy to make decisions for him.”
“Let’s not get too carried away,” my mom added without the full knowledge of the pain and suffering I’d gone through. “One thing is certain, though,” she smiled at me. “John was obviously too immature to handle a relationship with my daughter, and, as fate would have it, he was taken out of the picture before he could do any real harm to her heart like her ex-fiancé did.”
Everyone seemed to look at me for answers I didn’t have.
“You know?” Ashley started. “Okay, don’t everyone freak out on me when I say this.”
“No one will freak out,” I laughed, wishing my parents weren’t here so I could down the bottle of wine in front of me and allow Ashley’s wild, hippie spirit to take control. “We’re not returning to the true love hurts and spiritual soulmate stuff again, are we?”
“You’re just afraid of the truth,” Ashley winked at me. “But I think you both are more than soulmates.”
“Dear God, here we go,” Nat said, joining the conversation. “Ashley, honey, you know I love everything about your quirkiness and love for finding things that the Universe throws our way when it comes down to breakups with bastards, but this is one I’m not going to allow you to intervene on. The man ghosted our sweet girl, and even out there in the multiverse, that is just wrong.”
“That’s the thing, though,” Ashley said. “It’s perfectly normal for a twin flame relationship to do this. I think John and Mickie are twin souls.
I loved the woman, but I swear, I had to wonder sometimes if all the incense she used was clogging up her brain cells when it came to shit like this.
“Well, if you ask me,” Nat said, continuing to argue while my mom looked at me, wondering if all rich people were weirdos, “there is nothing twin about this situation because twins are known to be alike. Mickie,” she looked at me, “would you ever just up and vanish on John as he did you? Or would you have the decency to at least explain why your parents were obnoxious assholes who hated him?”
I smiled, “I would have explained myself.”
“Because I raised you with manners,” my mom interjected.
“And that’s why I think they’re twin souls,” Ashley added, mixing in the confusion again. “You see, John and Mickie almost have every trait of a twin-soul relationship. They fell for each other hard and fast. Their personalities are opposite as if staring at each other in mirrors, and well, it ended abruptly with the divine male running away, leaving the divine female broken and hurt—destroyed.”
“I understand very well that Mickie is quite divine,” Nat added, then looked at me, “and honey, I will state that you’re nearly a goddess with everything that you’ve got going on with your looks; however,” she looked back at Ashley, “there’s nothing divine about John. If there were, I would agree that he’s a divine asshole.”
“I don’t care if you agree with me or not. All I’m saying is that he’s her perfect other half. He just needs to work on himself,” Ashley smiled at me. “Whether or not you think I’m crazy, I’m telling you he’ll be back in your life when the time is right.”
“You’re sweet to say so,” I answered her, gulping the last of my glass of wine, “but regardless of if he works on himself or why my strong feelings happened hard and fast, I’m not allowing him back into my life. I can’t be with a man like that,” I glanced at all the women sitting around the table. “I’ll admit, his funny, immature, and spontaneous personality drew me in, and the attention he gave me was great, but it was a rebound relationship, and I agree with my mom.” I smiled at her pleasant expression, “He left at the perfect time because I could never be with a man who lacks so much consideration for someone’s feelings.”
“I’m telling you, twin flames,” Ashley said, finding this amusing.
I, however, was over it.
“Well, if twin flames make a toxic and ridiculous relationship that was doomed before it even started,” I said, pouring another glass of wine, “that must be exactly what we are. Either way, it doesn’t matter. If he meets with Jim to get his old job back, many of his former patients will want a good explanation as to why he up and left them like he did. They depended on him for their survival, and he vanished.”
“I think that’s why Jim wants Jake to join the meeting,” Avery said. “It’s probably to put his ass through hell.”
“Well, exactly,” I answered. “I’m shocked Jim is even entertaining him after he resigned without any explanation and left like he did.”
“Jim is a very forgiving man,” Breanne said after quietly watching this exchange. “I mean, I don’t know you well,” she told me, “and I’m sorry to hear that you went through such a terrible breakup with this guy, leaving you hanging as he did; however, I know Jim well enough to know that he’d at least give the guy a chance to explain himself,” she looked at Jim’s wife Avery for validation on her statement.