Page 152 of Dr. Aster
Make him walk his talk.
She was right. If John were going to try and return to what we were before, he wouldn’t get that us. He treated me like shit, and I wasn’t going to allow it to happen again, all because he said he was sorry.
Chances were, he’d get bored easily and search out emotional bullshit from easier women who didn’t make him work so hard, right?
That’s the approach I would take with John, but only if he tried to pursue me again. Given what I'd learned in our short-lived relationship, I had a feeling he was likely already reacquainted with a former ex or a new girl. John did what was easiest with no accountability—except to his parents.
Chapter Fifty-Five
I got the response I’d expected from Mickie once we finally encountered each other at work, which was nearly the same as it was from everyone else if I was honest. I’d hurt many people, and it wasn’t because I’d left; it was how I went about it.
I wish everyone could understand that I didn’t mean to hurt them, but that was just wishful thinking.
All I could do now was go on a mission to rebuild my integrity and pray that I could rebuild my relationship with Mickie, which was why I’d returned.
“So, what made you rent this shithole?” Jake asked, stopping by after he got off work.
“It’s only a shithole if you’re comparing it to your house,” I said, sipping my beer, sitting on the tiny balcony of the condo on plastic patio furniture.
“True,” Jake said with an ankle crossed over his knee, enjoying a cold one himself. “How’d things go with Mickie?”
I rolled my eyes and smiled at him, “Well, I’m shocked that the gossip of my rejection hasn’t reached the lower floors?”
“It has,” he said casually. “I just wanted to hear it come out of your mouth.”
“Hear what come out of my mouth? She wants nothing to do with me?”
“Yeah,” he answered, reaching over for a strawberry from the tray of fruit he brought, “and that you should’ve taken my advice.”
“Unlike yours and Collin’s remarks about winning the girl back like Edward Cullen did with Bella, I have a sneaking suspicion that shit isn’t going to score me any points with my gorgeous Amazonian goddess.”
“You didn’t try it, though. Cam from pediatrics did with his lady, and guess what happened?”
“I’m sure you’re going to tell me,” I said.
“Got him laid without fail, of course.”
“You and Collin are the two biggest dipshits I know. The fact that Dr. Brandt used Twilight tactics to get his girl back makes me think he lied about it to kiss your asses. I, on the other hand, am not in the mood to be kissing ass.”
“That’s it right there, man,” he said, taking another swig of beer. “Edward wasn’t as prideful as you. He knew he fucked up, and the wolf-boy was working his angle and succeeding. So, Edward did what all hundred-year-old vampires do…”
This guy and Collin were always so full of bullshit and loved to hear themselves talk half the time…but fucking Twilight? I think they just loved to fuck with their friends to see how we’d respond.
“Which was?” I tried to act interested.
“He showed up because the way to most women’s hearts is being sorry when you fuck things up. It’s the humility factor.”
“Humility factor? By acting like a hopeless little bitch?”
“Tell me one man who got his girl back by acting like a cocky prick, putting demands on her and not the other way around?”
“Well, I’m not acting like either,” I answered. “And I’m trying to humor you, but let’s be serious. You said you really fucked it up with Ash when you were dating, so how did you get her back?”
“I ate my shit, then laid down some smooth moves. It helped that we had a decent relationship foundation before the fuck up, though.”
I leaned forward, feeling the uneasy knot I’d had since I first came back twisting in my gut. I was so used to having everything spoon-fed to me my entire life, blaming everyone else when things went wrong, and easily able to move on from women without any trouble at all. Now, here I was, stuck and having no idea what my next move would be.