Page 107 of Veil of Lies
Chapter 82
Talking to random people was not my thing. It wasn’t like I had a phobia about it, but making phone calls to people I didn’t know was uncomfortable for me. Whereas Dad could charm the birds out of the trees, I had always been a socially awkward wallflower. It took me a while to find my groove and I was happier once I got to know someone.
It didn’t help that a lot of the people I’d spoken to so far had been snooty as fuck. The last woman had legit made me feel I was wasting her entire day with a few simple questions. What a fucking bitch.
Thankfully, the current lady at the Cincinnati branch was a lot more amenable.
“How do you spell your name, honey?” she asked.
I could hear tapping in the background while she searched her system. Then a slow exhale. “Yes, Miss Blake, we have you listed. The account was opened ten months ago with the annual rental paid upfront for 10 years.”
For a moment, I couldn’t speak. What had Dad left me? Was it important? Was this what I needed to get him out of prison and prove it wasn’t him? My stomach churned with excitement. “Can I access my box?”
“Of course. We’ll just need a government-issued ID and your social security number.”
“OK, thank you. Do I just come during normal business hours?”
“That’s correct. Is there anything else I can help you with today?”
“No, that’s it.”
“Wonderful. Have a nice day!”
I ended the call and sat on the bed for a few more minutes, my mind working in overdrive. Cincinnati wasn’t too far away. I could drive it in around seven hours, although I’d need to hire a car.
Flying seemed like a better option. Except I had fuck all money to spend on a flight.
Suddenly, everything felt overwhelming. Between college, being shot, worrying about Dad, and everything, my head was about to explode.
I really needed some time alone. It felt as if the boys and I had been living in each other’s pockets for months. Not that I was complaining, but I wasn’t used to this level of interaction. I functioned better with some alone time, where I could recharge my emotional batteries.
Maybe it would help if I went for a run?
Before I could second-guess myself, I threw my phone on the charger and quickly changed into my running gear, ignoring the sharp twinge in my shoulder. I hadn’t been running much lately and it showed. My belly was softer than it used to be, my boobs were bigger, and I had an actual bubble butt.
I really needed to get back into shape, stat. All the goddamn food Quinn forced me to eat every night was killing me.
Quinn was sitting on the sofa fiddling with his phone when I reappeared. He looked up immediately. “Got anywhere?”
“Yeah, I’m renting a safe deposit box in the Cincinnati branch, apparently. Just need to take my passport and social security number to get access. Where’s Harley?”
“Gone to the gym. He’s not good at waiting so I kicked him out. Now we know where the box is, let’s organize a trip there and find out what’s in it.”
“All of us? Is that a good idea? The last trip the three of us took didn’t end so well,” I muttered, unable to hide my shudder at the memory of waking up in a hospital.
“Hey, it will be fine. Nothing like that is going to happen again!” Quinn took me in his arms and held me tight. “Nobody knows about this box so unless you have a surveillance team on your ass, they won’t be aware of a trip to Cincinnati, and nothing happened when you and Harley flew to Ohio.”
“Doesn’t mean the Feds aren’t watching me?”
His arms tightened. “It’s possible, I guess, so perhaps we can create a good reason to be in Cincinnati to throw them off the scent.” I could almost hear the cogs in his brain ticking over.
“Well while you think about it, I’m off for a run.” I extricated myself from his arms, unwillingly, it had to be said.
The minute we touched all the little pleasure receptors in my brain fired. It was hard not to want more. Honestly, I had a problem. I was fucking addicted.