Page 124 of Veil of Lies
“Yeah, apple pie and ice cream, please.”
“We’ll share,” Brax added, “So two spoons.”
“What makes you think I’m willing to share?” I cocked an eyebrow and fixed him with a hard stare.
“Because I know your eyes are bigger than your stomach.”
Annoyingly, he was right. I got halfway through the enormous slice of apple pie and my stomach reached the point where the button on my jeans popped. I dropped my spoon and pushed the plate in his direction. “OK, I’m done. I look about seven months pregnant now. With twins.” He laughed before finishing the rest of my dessert in four bites.
I glanced around the diner. The cops had gone and a few late-night revelers had joined the party, along with a couple of guys in suits. Neither looked our way, but something about them snagged my inner radar. They were out of place in such a shabby diner. Guys like that wouldn’t eat here.
Also, why were they dressed like they’d just walked out of an office when it was a Saturday night?
“Let’s get out of here,” I said, feeling anxious.
Brax nodded without questioning my sudden change of mood. He pulled some cash out of his wallet, more than enough to cover the cost of our food plus a generous tip.
We were outside before the suit guys could react. I saw them jump up from their booth, but a cab pulled up to drop an older couple off and we jumped in.
The cab moved away just as the suit guys dashed outside the diner looking harried. I gave them the middle finger as we left them behind in the rain.
It was childish, but I smirked with satisfaction when they scowled at me.
“Friends of yours?” Brax asked as he stared out of the rearview mirror.
I shook my head. “No, but I got the impression they wanted to get to know me better.”
What if someone saw me hit the bank yesterday? If they had found out about the safe deposit box, we were fucked. I needed to know what was on that drive.
“Had a fun evening?” Quinn looked up from the sofa as we walked into the small living area of our suite. Harley appeared from one of the bedrooms, a towel tucked around his waist, golden skin damp with moisture. My pussy perked up instantly, despite how late it was and how uncomfortably full my stomach felt. Of course he knew the effect he had on me. I could tell from the way he threw me a teasing glance. Apparently he had recovered from his hangover and was back to his usual horny self.
“Nope,” Brax replied.
“Ah. On a scale of one to 10, with 10 being you clearing out the mini bar in the next five minutes, just how bad was it?”
“Wow, that bad, eh?”
I nodded. “Yeah, it was grim. Brax’s mom realized who I was and had a meltdown. His grandmother told us his sister isn’t coping but she thinks therapy is a waste of money. Oh, and I need to go on a diet, apparently.”
Harley’s jaw dropped. “A diet? Is she serious?”
“Really?” Brax snapped. “That’s what you took away from the shit Stella just told you?”
Harley had the grace to look chagrined. “Well, no, but I can’t do much about the other stuff whereas I can reassure Stella she doesn’t need to fucking diet!” He crossed the room and took me in his arms.
“You’re perfect as you are,” he told me. “Do not lose weight. Boobs are the first thing to go, and I for one would be devastated if your boobs shrank.”
I tried not to laugh but an unattractive snort escaped anyway and he chuckled.
“My own personal cheerleader,” I giggled.
The scent of his skin calmed me and the feel of his almost naked body pressing against mine had the opposite effect. He wasn’t unaffected either. The small towel he wore did a piss-poor job of hiding his erection. Fuck, why did I eat so much? Sex on a full stomach was just not happening.