Page 54 of Veil of Lies
Time to have a little chat with Dad. He was going to be so pissed. Oh well. Karma’s a bitch.
Chapter 45
Secrets never stay hidden forever. From the moment I arrived at this college, I knew I was living on borrowed time. I just hadn’t expected it to happen so quickly. But having my identity leaked to the entire campus had turned out to have a silver lining. For the first time ever, I felt like someone had my back. I felt seen.
When the dean called me early this morning to impart the happy news my presence was no longer welcome on campus, I wasn’t surprised. I’d prepared for it last night. Since I didn’t own much stuff, packing was a breeze. My biggest problem was knowing where to go.
Michael had been less than helpful. Like any good lawyer, he was a master of obfuscation. Dad was worried, which I got, but since he was the entire reason for me being in this mess, it was hard to give a shit about his feelings.
Something else Michael had said concerned me, though. He’d told me Dad had revealed a silent business partner, one he couldn’t use in his defense. This was the first I’d heard about it, and I got the impression Michael had been kept in the dark too.
Right now, I had other things to freak out about, like whether I was staying here or booking an Uber. Hopefully not the latter since I had less than $200 to my name. Harley seemed to think it would all be fine, but I wasn’t convinced. In my experience, once the shit hit the fan, it stayed there and stank for all eternity.
I’d tried not to listen to Harley while he spoke to his dad. It seemed like a violation of privacy, but this apartment was tiny, and it was impossible not to hear some of the conversation. Even with the bedroom door closed.
It was apparent things weren’t going well. Harley was very laid-back most of the time, like a lazy lion on the Savannah plains, idling under the hot sun. But beneath his relaxed demeanor lay a backbone of steel.
It made me realize that despite his affable nature, Harley was not someone to cross. His father was a bit late to the game in realizing his son was no pushover.
I just hoped Harley didn’t burn all his bridges. I would hate for him to lose his father completely. He might not like him very much - or respect him - but the guy was still family, and family was important.
The bedroom door opened. Harley reappeared with a smirk on his face. “You’re staying,” he told me.
Relief crashed over me and I slumped down on the chair beside my desk. “Really?” Did I dare believe him? Surely the dean wouldn’t have caved that easily.
“Yeah, really. Dad is furious but he agreed to talk the dean around. I explained what would happen if he didn’t and funnily enough, he’s not keen on facing Miranda’s wrath.”
He walked over and tugged me into his arms. I soaked up his scent, musk and spice, and closed my eyes. If a meteor struck us now, I’d die a happy woman.
“I’m taking you back to our apartment.” I stiffened. “It’s safer there than here. At least until all the drama dies down a bit.”
“But what about Quinn and Brax?”
“Erm, yeah, about Brax…”
“What about him?”
“The reason his father hung himself is because he lost all his money in your dad’s scheme. So… things might be a teeny-weeny bit awkward for a while…”
“You think?” I hissed. “Jesus, I can’t face him, he must hate me.” That hurt like a bitch. It had felt like we’d formed a connection at the coffee shop, and the kiss…that kiss…
“He’s upset, but not mad at you, Stella. I was the one who told him who you were. I promise, he doesn’t hate you.”
“Really?” I wanted to believe him, but if my father was the cause of his father’s death, I didn’t see how he could possibly forgive me. It made no sense at all.
“Yes, really. I’ve already messaged them to say we’re on our way. They are cool with it.”
“Quinn too?”
“Yeah. Now finish packing and we can leave.”
Chapter 46
There was no sign of Brax when Harley gently pushed me through the door of his apartment. I stopped about a foot from the entrance, unable to make myself go any further. The trip here had been awful. It was the equivalent of Cersei’s walk of shame, minus the rotten fruit and vegetables and shaved head.