Page 95 of Veil of Lies
“Yeah but I still think—”
“Fine,” Harley gritted out. “But you’re not going anywhere without one of us.”
“That’s ridiculous! You can’t all follow me around campus like creepy stalkers! I already have enough eyes on me thanks to Avery’s story.”
“Why not?”
Jesus Christ. Harley was officially losing the plot. There was no way in hell I was having him following me all day and night.
“Because we don’t share any classes?”
“Well maybe I can switch my major.”
“To fucking business? Be serious, Harley.”
“It’s fine, Stella and I share most of our classes. I can keep an eye on her.”
Lucky me. First, I had Brax stalking my ass and flirting inappropriately all the time. Now I could look forward to him stalking and scowling at me. I rolled my eyes to let them know I wasn’t amused.
And ignored the happy little dance my heart made when I thought about seeing him all the time.
“Stella usually studies in the library around the same times as me, so I can keep an eye on her there.”
“And once you feel well enough to go running, I’ll run with you on the trails. Deal?” Harley smiled at me hopefully.
I sighed dramatically. “Fine! You’re all being ridiculous but whatever.”
They were probably justified in their paranoia, to be fair, but I already felt smothered. All this overprotective macho bullshit gave me the heebie-jeebies. Just because I liked reading about alphaholes didn’t mean I wanted to live with three of them.
Chapter 75
Professor Cortez wrapped up his lecture on financial accounting and I shoved my textbook in my bag. It hadn’t been as boring as I expected, and despite a couple of whispers suggesting creative accounting was a topic I’d be more into, I’d enjoyed it.
Brax had done his best statue impression for two hours. The Brax who’d spent so much time trying to charm me in the early days was long gone.
In his place was a surly asshole who could barely stand to look at me most of the time. And yet he had flown all the way to New York to be at my bedside in the hospital and hadn’t left my side since unless Harley or Quinn was there.
If anyone got too close, he glowered threateningly at them until they backed off. Honestly, I had no clue what was going on in his head. It was confusing as fuck.
But whatever. My brain didn’t have the bandwidth to care right now. It was too busy trying to make sense of what was happening to Dad and me.
The press pack camped outside the campus had finally moved on after the dean had issued an edict stating any student talking to the reporters would be severely punished. It wasn’t like most of them needed to sell their story anyway.
I was still the topic of much gossip on campus and plenty of students went out of their way to stare at me and sometimes snap photos, but I was beyond caring. I didn’t need to wear a bandage on my shoulder anymore. The wound had healed up nicely. It still ached but not enough to prevent me from running again.
God knew I needed the exercise after eating Quinn’s cooking every night. I’d gained at least ten pounds since I moved in with the guys.
“I’m off to the library,” I told Brax as we left the room. He nodded. “You don’t need to follow me there,” I added, just in case he had better shit to do. Judging by the permanent scowl on his face, he was probably sick of playing babysitter.
“Nah, I’m good. I’ll take you there.”
I rolled my eyes. “Fine, whatever,” I huffed, which he ignored.
We walked across campus. The weather was warm and humid, with heavy clouds building on the horizon. In the distance, the tall trees along the perimeter of the athletics field swayed gently. I could smell the scent of pine in the air, fresh and fragrant.