Page 51 of Angel's Whisper
“More? Thank a week?” The concern in Rosa’s voice was evident.
“Sometimes,” Isotta admitted. “Sometimes it's more, but the pain this time is way more intense.”
“We need to get you some help,” Rosa suggested.
“No, no,” Isotta replied. “I’ll be fine. I have to wait it out.”
“That is not a sufficient answer,” Rosa countered. “You’re suffering. You’re in pain. It shouldn’t be this way.”
“I’ll be fine, Rosa. It will just take some time.”
“Fine,” she rebuffed. “But if you’re not better in the next day or so, we’re getting some help. Now, let me get you out of this tub. I’ve remade your bed so you can rest.”
“Thank you, Rosa.”
She stood up from the side of the tub and retrieved warm towels. When Rosa returned, she helped Isotta out of the tub. They retraced their steps and made their way back to the bed.
“I’ve put another layer of protection on the bed, just in case.”
“Thank you, Rosa, for everything.”
“No need to thank me,” she said as she helped Isotta climb back in. “I’m going to be right here, making sure you’re better.”
“Rosa pulled up the duvet and tucked Isotta in. “Now, I’m going to get you a heating pad and some soup.”
The next morning, Rosa headed upstairs to check on Isotta. She passed Massimo as he prepared to leave.
“Good morning, Mr. Ricci,” she greeted.
“Morning, Rosa.”
“I was just about to check on the misses.”
“She didn’t rest well,” Masimo replied. “Please see about her and call me and let me know if there’s anything I can do if I need to come back.”
“Will do, sir.”
Rosa found Isotta restless when she entered the bedroom.
“Ms. Isotta?”
She didn’t open her eyes, but she did respond. “It’s worse, Rosa. The pain is so much worse.”
Rosa found her more than doubled up. She was in the fetal position, holding herself tightly.
“I’ve got to get you to the hospital.”
Isotta didn’t have the energy to protest.
Rosa grabbed the phone and dialed the emergency number.
“How may I help you?” The operator asked.
“We need an ambulance, and quickly, please.”
“They’re on their way, Ms. Isotta. Just hang in there.”
Rosa made her way to the hallway and grabbed her cell phone out of her pocket. She placed a call.