Page 1 of Demon's Speak
Chapter One
He plotted, and he planned, and then he plotted and planned with his brother.
“I still think we should be more strategic with the timing,” Gabriel reminded him.
“I am not willing to wait weeks or months or even more days,” Alessandro countered.
“Why are you in such a rush?” Gabriel quizzed. “Tell me the real reason.”
Alessandro tried to blow off what his brother said because he’d been in denial about his real motivation, even to himself. Gabriel was patient. He loved it when his brother ruminated, especially on things he already knew the answer to.
“Because they embarrassed me! Because they humiliated me!” Alessandro’s anger spilled out even when he didn’t intend it to. “I will not rest until I get even with them, more than even with all of them.”
And that’s why they moved as expeditiously as they moved. Alessandro put everything in place. He surveilled himself even though he could have had others do it. He watched their comings and goings, even though doing that alone was enough to put himself at risk. He calculated and recalculated the proper timing and the contingency plan he needed to have if and when he moved. And as the chauffeur-driven limousine pulled up, Alessandro would have the satisfaction of his revenge fantasy coming true.
He felt the man's version of giddiness as he watched the limousine pull up and park outside the place where he intended to hold his captives. Alessandro waited until the car was still lost before stepping out of the place where he’d been standing. He wasn’t yet visible to his new guests, but he was so anxious about their arrival Alessandro found it hard to contain. But he did and waited until two of the people he hired, henchmen, escorted his unsuspecting guests inside the building. Alessandro then strolled over once the limo pulled away. He entered the door and stepped into the darkened space he’d specifically set up for them.
“Welcome,” he said from the shadows.
Isotta and Celestina were surprised by how jovial the person speaking was. He made his welcome sound so pleasant that it was increasingly unnerving. They weren’t able to move as their legs were bound to the chairs they sat in, and their hands were bound in their laps. Isotta was surprised that whoever their captors were hadn’t bound their hands behind the chair. That’s what she’d always seen in kidnap movies.
“I’m so glad to have you here.”
Celestina tried to make out who it was. She squinted her eyes and tried to see through the piercing darkness. She leaned forward in an effort to see through the midnight of the room. She listened intently to see if, by chance, she recognized his voice.
“What do you want from us?” Celestina asked. She didn’t try to keep the panic out of her voice. “Money? We have lots of money. Our family will pay.”
“I don’t want your money,” Alessandro hissed. “I have plenty of my own.”
“Then what is it? What do you want from us?”
“Forgive me,” he began. “I’m not one for shadowy conversations. Let’s put some light on this situation.”
Just then, the lights in the furthest corner of the room came on. Then, in a syncopated rhythm, the rest of the lights activated. Isotta and Celestina followed the light trail as their eyes adjusted to the influx.
And then the light shone on him, their captor.
Isotta stared into the man’s face. She saw him and slightly recognized him. Maybe it was because her adrenaline was pumping so fast that it affected her focus. Then she remembered where she’d seen him before. Celestina didn’t have to think or consider. She may not have immediately recognized the voice, but as soon as the light shone on him, Celestina knew exactly who he was.
“Alessandro,” she uttered.
“Aw, Celestina,” he smiled half-heartedly. “So good to see you again. And Isotta, the last time I saw you, you were a reluctant bride. I hope that situation has improved.”
She knew how he knew so much about her. He’d been a part of the original deception.
“What do you want, then? You don’t want money, so what does taking us do for you?” Celestina pressed even as tears pressed against the back of her eyes.
Alessandro just stood there. He stood there observing them, relishing in his victory, thinking about all the ways he would torture them to get what he wanted. His silence was off-putting. It made time stand still with them, wondering what his answer would be. Isotta was impatient for it.
“You never did answer my mother’s question,” Isotta began. “What do you want from us?”
He smiled an eerie smile that was momentarily familiar to Isotta as she’d seen that same smile on Massimo’s face.
“I want you dead,” he replied flatly.
Then, Isotta watched as his eyes lit up, like when you first turned on the lights on a Christmas tree. She was momentarily mesmerized by the light that started to shine in his orbs. He didn’t smile, but his eyes conveyed his real message.
Chapter Two