Page 12 of Demon's Speak
There was no protection from the overwhelming, intoxicating wave of sexual satisfaction he felt. Although he would never admit it, Alessandro reached a level of satiation he’d never felt before. The pace of his fuck increased faster than the ticking of the second hand on a clock. He couldn’t take it anymore. He had to cum. She felt his hands holding her extra tightly around the waist, so hard that he left fingerprints.
“Uh, uh,” he groaned as he pushed deeper, harder, and faster inside her unwelcoming walls. Even more tears spilled from her satiated lids as he moved even more vigorously, growling and groaning until he released fully inside her. Alessandro had the audacity to collapse on top of her. Isotta physically gave way, no longer able to hold herself up. She fell to the floor, and he caught himself from falling on top of her.
“Massimo,” he uttered, looking directly into the camera, his breathing not yet level. “She is amazing, and I fucked her, and now I’m ready to fuck you up for everything you did to me.”
Chapter Six
Both their doorbells rang simultaneously.
The person who answered the door at each house was handed a package.
They didn’t have to sign for it; just acknowledge they were the appropriate person to receive it.
The person who received the package took it to the head of the household.
The head of the household had questioned the person who received the package but could not answer.
The head of the household wasn’t satisfied with the lack of response. Still, they opened the package and read the note that was left inside.
Watch it with your entire family and enjoy.
Francesco looked confused. Massimo did as well. They both reread the message as they looked at the contents of the box and still ended up looking confused. Each of them contemplated disregarding the package, treating it as trash, a ploy, but each of them considered that they had a family member who was missing and had been missing for far too long. Francesco and Massimo considered watching the tapes by themselves to find out what they were about and shield their family from what was there. But what if the person who sent the tapes had eyes on them and knew they watched alone?
It might have sounded ridiculous, but was it really? Each of the family members had disappeared virtually, without a trace. There had been no evidence that they were even missing, no scuffle to notice, no speeding away car to track. There had been nothing, no notice, no notification, no demand for payment for days. Maybe what was inside the box would be their first clue as to where their loved one was.
Reluctantly, Francesco walked into the room where his mother was. He didn’t say anything, and after a moment, Costanza looked up. She saw a concerned look on his face.
“Son?” She asked.
Francesco looked in response, but he still couldn’t say anything. He was still trying to process whether or not it was wise to share despite the directions inside the box. But his lack of response gave his mother’s instinct rise.
“What’s the matter, Francesco?” Costanza hoped it was personal and not business, despite how important family was. She still thought like her husband, trying to hold up his mantel despite everything else. But if it was business, Costanza felt like Francesco would have come in more mouthy and more willing to share so she could come up with a solution, a fix to the whole problem. But when he didn’t, when he still stood there silent, Costanza thought otherwise.
“Is it your wife?”
Rosa answered the door and verified that it was indeed the home of Massimo Ricci. She found him in his study.
“A package for you, Mr. Ricci,” Rosa announced after knocking on the door, and he invited her in. She tried to sound pleasant, to sound normal, but Rosa was just putting on an act. She was nervous. She was worried and had said so many Hail Marys in hopes of Isotta returning that she’d lost count. She wanted to say something to Massimo, but she knew better than to do that. She was just his housekeeper.
“Is there anything else?” Rosa asked as a deflection more than a real inquiry.
“No,” Massimo replied.
After she left, Massimo opened the package. It was addressed to him. His brow wrinkled when he read the note. He had his own thoughts, but he didn’t trust them. He would rather have a second and maybe a third opinion from people he trusted, his parents. That’s why he went to his parents’ home immediately upon receiving the box.
Massimo entered his parents’ home in such a way that he drew immediate attention.
“What’s going on, son?” His father asked, growing increasingly concerned as he saw the worry lines on his son’s face.
Romina and Giuseppe were also growing concerned as they assembled around him.
“I received a package,” Massimo replied.
“A package?” Giordano asked. “What’s so important about this package?”
“It’s from Isotta’s captors, I assume,” Massimo answered.
“What makes you think that?” Romina asked.