Page 24 of Demon's Speak
“Are you sure about that?” Giuseppe asked. He wasn’t averse to making bodily harm or even killing, but to kill that many took some adjusting.
“Yeah, Giuseppe, I’m sure,” Massimo answered.
“What about the police? If they respond to the scene, then,” Giuseppe started.
“Have our guards round them up and drop them off at the Esposito's. Police avoided and information delivered,” Giordano replied.
He looked to Massimo for his approval of the plan. When Massimo nodded, Giuseppe had his marching orders.
The two Ricci men made their way to the car, and Giuseppe gave instructions to the guards before joining them. Massimo gave one final look in Isotta’s direction as their car pulled away. He knew it was for the best that they had some time apart, but on top of the time they’d already had a part, Massimo realized they weren’t as close as they should be because he was okay with it. Neither he nor Isotta had fully immersed in the marital experience. He knew why he hadn’t, and maybe she knew why she hadn’t. As Massimo eased into the back of the limo, the adrenaline wearing off and the pains showing their ugly faces, Massimo knew he would have to work a little harder to smooth things over with Isotta. Being with her was the only way he could ascend to his family’s corporate throne.
Isotta didn’t look back when their limo pulled off. She was tired, angry, and saddened by everything that had happened to her. The violation she experienced was fresh in her mind, and she knew she needed some time to work through what she felt. She knew she couldn’t do that underneath Massimo’s roof. She hoped she would get a chance to work through some things under her parents. At least, she hoped so. Isotta eased down until she was comfortable in the seat, which took some doing because of all the pain she experienced there.
It felt like no sooner did Isotta get comfortable than the car pulled into their driveway, and she was required to get out of the vehicle. She and her mother were slow in moving, but they made it with Francesco and the butler’s assistance. The butler knew about the kidnapping, but he didn’t expect the women to be in the condition they were in. Still, he handled it professionally because that’s what was expected of him. When they reached the door, Costanza heard the commotion and made her way as fast as she could. Either way, whether they were found alive or dead, she wanted to be there for her son.
Her eyes immediately misted over with tears at the sight of those who had been lost. She took a tenuous step forward, wanting to reach out to them, but paused. Now was not the time to get emotional. She needed to determine whether the threat to her business and to her family had been put to rest. Ultimately, that was the most important thing. When Costanza saw the condition Isotta and Celestina were in, she was aghast. And then she came face to face with her granddaughter. All those feelings of love and protection almost flooded out of Costanza. When Isotta lifted her eyes, and they met Costanza’s, the grandmother saw all the sadness, melancholy, and berating she’d experienced. She cared about Isotta. She really did and seeing her so deflated pulled at Costanza’s heartstrings. She felt hatred rise up in her core for the man who did what he did to her granddaughter. Costanza knew she had to finish him. That was the only way to make things right.
Costanza extended her hand and placed it on her granddaughter’s shoulder. That was the act of sympathy she could muster. Isotta only lowered her eyes behind her grandmother’s touch. That was all she could muster. One of the maids came to assist Isotta as she passed her grandmother. When Costanza’s eyes met Celestina’s, there was no emotional response from either of them. Costanza was glad she made it home safely because that would appease her son.
As the Ricci’s limo turned onto their street, Giuseppe’s phone rang.
“Yes,” he uttered after answering the line.
Giordano wasn’t paying much attention to Giuseppe until Giuseppe scooted to the edge of his seat.
Although Massimo could no longer see clearly, his attention went to Giuseppe as well.
“What’s going on?” Massimo asked.
“What do you mean he’s not dead?”
“What?” Giordano quipped. “What’s going on?”
Giuseppe pulled the phone from his ear and put it on speakerphone for them all to hear. Everyone leaned in to hear what was said.
“We got ready to move his body after we got the guards loaded up. He moved. Alessandro isn’t dead.”
“What? What the hell do you mean he isn’t dead? I emptied the clip! I shot him several times,” Massimo insisted. “How the hell is he not dead?”
“What do you want us to do with him, sir?” The guard on the other end of the line asked.
Giuseppe looked from his brother to his father. They both looked befuddled and were without words. He knew he needed to step in.
“Take him with you,” Giuseppe answered. “Drop him off to his folks.”
Chapter Thirteen
“Oh my God, Massimo,” Romina exhaled as she saw her son’s face. She lifted herself from the chair she’d been sitting in and crossed the distance to reach her son. Romina was glad her son survived, but she was devastated by the way he looked.
“What happened?” She asked, reaching up to touch his face, but seeing her son wince in anticipation, Romina withdrew after thinking better of it. She did, however, wait for her son to respond to her question.
“I’m good, mom. It’s been taken care of.” Massimo struggled to speak, his lips perforated and swollen.
“What does that mean?” She asked, looking from Massimo to Giuseppe and finally to her husband. Romina wanted answers, even if she ended up hating what they said.
“It’s been handled,” Giordano reiterated.