Page 44 of Demon's Speak
Valentina found herself sighing as she thought about the challenge she would soon face.
“I am slated to be soon married,” she began, looking far off in the distance. Giuseppe honed in on her face even more as she spoke. I don’t really have a say in the matter,” she continued, “none of us do. The entire situation has been preplanned and prearranged without our input. We aren’t given a choice.”
It wasn’t a tradition that Giuseppe was unfamiliar with. It was the way things had always been. It just was what it was. The woman was given no choice, and before Valentina voiced an objection to it, Giuseppe felt like that was the way things were supposed to be, the way they would always be. But as Valentina spoke, Giuseppe started to at least see things from the woman’s perspective.
“I am an adult, my own person. I should have some say in my own future, not that it be predetermined for me, marrying a man I don’t even know. It’s not right, and it’s not fair.” Valentina found herself feeling testy as she spoke.
“I understand even the Bible says that the woman is a man’s helpmate, but is that all she’s supposed to be?”
“I really hadn’t given it a lot of thought before. It sounded like the natural order of things and how they would always be. You’re giving me second thoughts,” Giuseppe admitted.
When Valentina returned her gaze to Giuseppe, she was transfixed as her eyes found his. It was as though he looked at her so intensely that he actually saw through her. Valentina felt the depths of his eyes piercing her very soul. Valentina started to feel a warmth moving up from her feet through her body to reside in her soul. She had a warm, unexpected, tingly feeling that when she looked at Giuseppe, she knew he felt it too. He reached for her hand. Giuseppe needed to make a physical connection with her to emphasize the mental connection he was having with her.
They knew they skipped a bunch of steps, feeling how they were feeling in as quickly as they were feeling that way. They moved to a place where they could be alone, undisturbed. It started to rain, and Giuseppe and Valentina took shelter under a tin roof. They didn’t immediately go inside, but they could hear the raindrops hitting the tin, chiming and making their own melody. They stood close as Giuseppe didn’t want to let her go. His heart had started to soften toward Valentina, and he started to feel things he didn’t expect to feel. He closed the distance between them even more, pulling Valentina into the fold of his arms. Her heart beat trepidatiously for a moment, feeling nervous about what felt inevitable. But Giuseppe was unwavering in how he looked into her eyes. He wanted, but he wanted, but he wanted it in a different way than he had a woman before.
“I can be good to you,” he whispered in her ear. “I can give you what you want, what you need.”
Valentina pulled slightly back so she could look into Giuseppe’s eyes. She wanted things to happen fast, but she hadn’t quite expected them to happen so expeditiously. But they were happening. Valentina saw an uncanny tenderness in his eyes. She felt a connection to his heart and soul, one she didn’t expect. Valentina felt warm inside, and that feeling emanated from Giuseppe.
Giuseppe’s whisper became a trail of scintillating kisses down the length of Valentina’s neck. The surge of hot heat flowing through Valentina was hard to contain as he touched her in places she’d never been touched before, at least not like that. As Giuseppe fondled her sweetness, he took her pants and underwear off, leaving Valentina naked in front of him. As he stepped back briefly, taking the full of her in, Giuseppe folded in his lips and released them slowly. She was so beautiful. The carnal pressure between the two left no room for anything except succumbing to the overwhelming sensations layering one on top of the other. Taking Valentina by the hand, Giuseppe led her to the bedroom. But he didn’t stop at the bed. There was a screened-in porch with a rocking chair. The pitter-patter of the rain against the tin roof was once again their backdrop. Giuseppe sat Valentina down in the cushioned rocker and kneeled in front of her.
“Giuseppe,” Valentina moaned as he lowered his head, trailing hot kisses down her creamy thighs. Gently, Giuseppe’s hands eased Valentina’s legs open. She willingly draped them on the arms of the rocker, giving Giuseppe unrestricted access to her jewel. His lips slowly descended to her inner thighs, leaving succulent kisses in his wake. Valentina’s head fell back, and her mouth opened as sweet sensations moved through her. Giuseppe’s lips descended to meet her inner folds. He inhaled Valentina’s essence. His heart beat faster, and his manhood throbbed. Giuseppe ached for her. His lips kissed her folds. Giuseppe found it hard to resist her taste. He licked her, kissed her, and suckled her.
“I want you,” he whispered against her flesh.
“I want you too,” he moaned, lapping at her jewel. “I want you so bad.”
Valentina cupped the back of Giuseppe’s head as he made love to her with his mouth. She heard his apology and felt it in her soul. Hot tears pressed against the back of her eyes with so much emotion, old and new, flooding her heart. Valentina felt the coolness of the night air against her skin and the hot of Giuseppe’s mouth between her thighs.
After pleasuring Valentina and bringing the first of her pearl’s nectar to bear, Giuseppe finished disrobing, removing everything that held his manhood at bay. Valentina watched intensely as he covered himself prophylactically. When Giuseppe’s eyes met hers, there was a moment of absolute clarity. Valentina knew she wanted to give everything she had available mentally, emotionally, physically, and soulfully to Giuseppe. His eyes reflected the same: his desire to be with her and her alone.
Giuseppe took Valentina in his arms and lavished her with deep, penetrating kisses as he lifted her leg and placed her foot on the island right behind him. Although thick, Valentina was very flexible, and at the point when Giuseppe eased the tip of his hardened cock inside her welcoming folds, the arch of her foot resembled a ballerina’s point. Valentina’s vaginal walls pulsed as Giuseppe eased his girth inside her. Her body’s response of sweet nectar smoothed the way as he slowly and methodically pushed the width and breadth of his manhood to the top of her jewel.
“Ahh…” Valentina exclaimed as the walls of her jewel contracted and released to accept Giuseppe inside. Soon, the two fell into a nice rhythm, slow and methodical, the giver and receiver feeling equal. Giuseppe bent his knees, gaining leverage as he thrust harder and deeper inside Valentina. The sway of the rocker moved in time as Giuseppe placed one hand on each side as he moved inside her welcoming folds, the muscles in his long mahogany legs constricting and tensing.
Giuseppe moaned as he spread the cheeks of Valentina’s ass and eased himself deeper inside her. Giuseppe groaned as he gripped Valentina’s voluptuous cheeks, holding her firm. Valentina’s sensibilities heightened as she felt the strength of him enveloping her.
“Babe,” Giuseppe moaned on the verge of climax. Being with Valentina was everything he ever wanted and more. Giuseppe grabbed Valentina by the waist and plunged himself to the hilt inside her giving walls.
“Giuseppe, oh my god, Giuseppe,” Valentina was absolutely breathless as her full breasts rocked back and forth in time with each thrust from Giuseppe’s cock. She, too, was on the verge of an explosion as her body spasmed from the loving he was giving her.
“Mmm, Valentina,” Giuseppe uttered as their flesh became one.
“Giuseppe, please, Giuseppe, oh, oh, oh!”
The pace at which Giuseppe’s hips thrust forward, coupled with the slapping sound of his thighs meeting her ass, heightened the explosion the two shared. Valentina released a wave of hot wetness as her body convulsed with pleasure. Giuseppe fucked her through his climax and continued to pump at a slower pace until all the gism he had to offer spilled. Their breathing was jagged, and their bodies were wet with sweat. The chair continued to rock as Giuseppe pressed against Valentina’s back.
Valentina continued to relish in the past that sealed her fate.
When she knew her sister had finally arrived, Isotta wanted to run up to her, grab her neck, and hold her tight. But she resisted the urge to do so. Isotta kept a wayward eye on Valentina, keeping up with her movements around the house, hoping that she would stick around so they could bond and talk. It was hours later before the sisters had a chance to talk. Isotta walked into Valentina’s bedroom after rapping on the door. She didn’t want to wait until her sister responded for fear you would say no. When she walked in and closed the door, Isotta’s eyes met with her sisters.
Isotta walked over to her sister, arms outstretched, and hugged Valentina. She was slow to hug back, resistant to such a show of affection.
“I missed you so much,” Isotta uttered.
Valentina didn’t want to feel what she felt. She was still reeling from the sting of being with her family again after so long. But as she felt her sisters’ arms around her so lovingly, Valentina’s heart softened, and she hugged her sister back. They bonded in that moment, reconnecting the love they had for each other. When they separated, Valentina meandered over to the window and sat on the bay seat. Isotta remained standing a while longer.
“You were gone so long. I missed you so much,” Isotta explained. “How are you? How are you feeling?”