Page 52 of Demon's Speak
“Mr. and Mrs. Ricci?” The nursing attendant asked.
Massimo stood up and waited for Isotta to stand. They walked over to the nursing assistant.
“We are the Ricci’s.”
“Follow me, please.”
Massimo and Isotta followed the assistant down the hall, turning right then left, stopping at a door that the assistant opened.
“Dr. Farina will be with you shortly.”
“Thank you,” Massimo replied.
After the door closed, Isotta sat down Massimo didn’t take the empty seat next to her. Instead, he stood close and watched the door, waiting for the doctor to arrive. Not much time passed before there was a knock at the door.
“Greetings. I am Dr. Farina.”
As she talked, she thumbed through the file she picked up off the door.
“Mrs. Ricci, Isotta?” The doctor asked.
“Yes,” Isotta replied.
“It has been quite a while since we’ve seen each other. Things are going well, I would assume?”
“Yes,” Isotta quietly replied.
“Good, good. So, am I reading the chart right? You’re here to determine if you’re pregnant?”
“That’s why we’re here,” Massimo replied.
“Excellent. Isotta, I’m going to ask that you go in the restroom and relieve yourself in the cup on the table. Keep off everything you’re wearing below the waist, and you can cover yourself with the patient’s gown on the back of the door. When you come out, I’ll have you climb on the table. Okay?”
“Mmhmm,” Isotta nodded her head, standing to her feet and going into the restroom.
A wave of nerves washed over Isotta as she looked around the bathroom. As she undressed from the waist down, Isotta refused to get caught up in the emotions she could have felt. She would do what the doctor asked and then be ready to go. Isotta placed her sample on the table, wrapped it up in the patient’s gown, and made her way back into the office. Massimo barely looked at Isotta, but his eyes fell in her direction when she climbed on the table, and the doctor began to examine her. He paid close attention to everything the doctor said and did.
Isotta lay back on the table. She didn’t squirm or fuss. Instead, she acquiesced to what the doctor wanted. Dr. Farina, with thinly plastic-gloved hands, talked Isotta through what she was doing.
“I am going to feel your abdomen, and then we will put jelly on your belly and do a sonogram.”
“When will we get the urine test results?” Massimo asked.
“We can have them immediately. I will have my assistant let me know.”
“Is there any other test you can do to confirm?” Massimo continued.
“We can run a blood test to confirm. Given the sporadic nature Mrs. Ricci has her menstrual cycle, the blood test may be our best option.”
“I would like to have the blood test run,” Massimo asserted.
“We can most certainly do that,” Dr. Farina replied. “Now, Isotta, I am going to be feeling your abdomen. Let me know if you have any discomfort or pain. Okay?”
“Mmhmm,” Isotta replied, stealing a look at her husband. He looked back, Massimo’s eyes intense.
As the doctor started to feel on her abdomen, Isotta hoped for the best. She hoped she’d gotten pregnant, and she hoped, more than that, there was no undue pain.
“Let me know if you’re feeling any discomfort,” Dr. Farina reiterated.