Page 8 of Demon's Speak
“I’m sorry, excuse me?” Massimo said, his brows knocking together intensely.
“And she’s been gone how long?” Massimo said, finding it even more difficult to keep it together.
Each of Massimo’s family members leaned in and stayed fixed on Massimo’s conversation.
“Oh wow,” Massimo answered. He listened, trying to process all of what was said at the same time.
“Yes, I have no choice but to file a missing person’s report,” Massimo agreed. “I’ll do that right away.”
Romina’s hand went to her mouth to cover that it was agape.
“Yes,” he commented. And if I hear anything, I’ll let you know, as well.”
They waited on pins and needles until he disconnected the line.
“What did he say?” Romina asked. She was nervous. For the first acknowledged time, she was nervous to hear what Massimo had to say. Secretly, Romina had been a little concerned when it was more than twelve hours since he’d heard from Isotta. Now, though, Romina was very concerned that something bad had happened.
Massimo’s eyes were wide as he processed everything he heard on the other end of the line.
“Her mother is missing,” Massimo finally uttered.
“What?” Romina asked, standing on her feet and pressing her hands together. “They haven’t seen her?”
Giuseppe sat back in his seat, stunned.
“Her father said that Isotta came by, and after an hour or so, she left, angry. His wife followed after Isotta, trying to reason with her. He didn’t think much of it other than hoping his daughter would return and they could finish their conversation. But then his wife didn’t return, and Isotta was gone,” Massimo slowly explained. “They were just gone.”
Giordano was surprised by Massimo’s admission. “So, we need to file a police report. I’ll call the station.”
“No, Dad,” Massimo interjected. “She’s my wife. I’ll call.”
Massimo stepped out of the room and made the call to the police station.
“What do you think happened, if anything happened?” Giuseppe speculated.
“I don’t know,” his mother answered. “I just don’t know.”
“He’ll file the police report, and we’ll have more eyes on the situation,” his father reasoned.
"But her mother is gone too? That doesn’t make any sense,” Romina added.
“Unless they left together,” Giuseppe suggested.
Romina spun around and stared at her son. “What? Why would they do that?”
“I don’t know,” Giuseppe shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe they decided it was time to leave the femininely repressive system they found themselves in.”
The comment struck Romina. She wanted to argue against what her son said but opted not to.
“That’s enough, Giuseppe,” Giordano spoke in hot, hushed tones.
“Fine,” Giuseppe replied. “I was just thinking out loud.”
Massimo returned to the room where they all were.
“Did you make the report?” Romina asked.
“Yes,” Massimo replied. “The police said that since it's been twenty-four hours, they would file a missing person’s report.”