Page 12 of Dr. Baby Daddy
Enough worrying about whether or not he’s going to call. There are other things I need to spend my time thinking about. Like the show.
The director wants to come up with an entirely new song for the climax of the story. He hates the one we have.
Which is going to mean more work for me to compose a song for him. Which then means that I’m going to irritate the man next door with all my practicing.
No matter what I do, it seems like I can’t win right now.
Soon, the water runs cold but worries still swirl through my head. I splash my face with the cold water before turning off the shower and reaching for my towel.
When I step out of the shower with the towel wrapped around my body, dread creeps through me.
I may not be good enough to get the job. Maybe I’m not good enough for Broadway. Maybe I should have done something else with my life.
A soft meow breaks me from my thoughts.
A little orange cat sitting on my fire escape tilts its head to the side. Its whiskers twitch as I take timid steps toward thebathroom window. With the white spot on its chin, the cat looks exactly like the one I had when I was a little girl.
“Come here, kitty.” I reach the window and climb out onto the escape as it sits there.
Chilly night air nips at my skin as I consider taking the cat inside. Even though it’s spring, the night is oddly cold.
The cat purrs as I run my hand along its soft back. There’s no collar around its chubby little neck.
I should bring it in for the night if it doesn’t have a home. I can try to find its owner in the morning.
“Who do you belong to?”
The cat lets out a shrill meow before taking off, dashing down the stairs. I sigh and lean over the railing to watch it go. It runs across the street before disappearing into the bodega.
“Well, I guess that answers the question.”
I turn around to head back inside, but the window slams shut, whipping my towel off with it. Yelping, my arm flies to my breasts, trying to cover them while I press my hand against the glass and attempt to push the window up.
“This cannot be happening right now. There’s no way this is happening.”
Whistles come from below, making my face burn a bright red. I glance down, but the men keep walking. Thankfully, no other people are around them.
I never should have come out here. Stupid cat.
There is a reason my mom was never a fan of the cats we had growing up. Right now, I think I’m starting to understand that reason.
I abandon the window for a minute, yanking on my towel. It comes free, but the window wedges further into place.
Well, at least I’m not naked anymore.
With the towel wrapped tight around my body, I take a moment to step back and calm down. There has to be a way back into the building.
The only person I know well enough to let me in is Kate, but her fire escape isn’t connected to mine. It’s on the other side of the building. There’s no way that I’m going down to the street. It’s well after midnight and strange people are walking around.
The wolf whistles are enough to prove that I will not be climbing my way down the fire escape.
Which leaves the resident at the other end of the metal platform. I sigh and run my hand through my wet hair. Goose bumps rise on my arms and legs as the wind grows colder.
Yeah. I’m going to have to give him another reason to hate me.
Warm light shines from his open windows at the other end of the fire escape. I make my way over there, holding the towel as tight as I can. My entire body burns with humiliation, but there’s nothing I can do about it right now.
He’s my only option, even if he is just as likely to leave me out in the cold all night.