Page 26 of Dr. Baby Daddy
After a couple years of dealing with that, I decided that I was done with dating altogether. My job at the hospital had to come first, and seemingly no woman could accept that.
What’s going to make Izzy any different than those other women?
She rolls over again and grabs my pillow, pulling it closer to her. She nestles her face in and drags the blankets higher up her body.
Izzy isn’t the kind of woman to hold anyone back.
Though, I don’t know if that’s true or not. She might be the kind of woman who wants more from their partner. We could get serious and then she could want me to cut back on my hours at the hospital.
Am I willing to cut back on my dream to be with her?
With a shake of my head, I leave the room. There’s no point worrying about what could happen down the road when we’ve only had one date. While it’s clear that we’re attracted to each other, there are a whole lot of other factors that go into having a relationship.
Especially with how committed we both are to our jobs.
I close the door behind me and head to the kitchen. It takes a few minutes to get the coffee brewing and gather the ingredients for cinnamon bun waffles. I connect my phone to the speaker in the kitchen, keeping the music soft and low.
Humming along with the song, I pull out the waffle maker and get it preheating. Before long, the scent of cinnamon and sugar fills the apartment.
For the first time since moving in, my apartment feels like a home.
The coffee just finishes brewing as Izzy walks out of the bedroom wearing nothing but my shirt. My cock stiffens as she gives me a sleepy smile and makes her way over to the kitchen island. She pulls herself up onto one of the stools and makes a show of sniffing the air.
“It smells delicious in here.” She eyes the waffle maker. “You didn’t have to go to all this trouble for me.”
I pour a mug of coffee and slide it in front of her before putting the cream and sugar on the counter. “It’s just breakfast. You can make a big deal out of me doing something nice when it’s something big.”
She smirks and dumps some sugar into her coffee. “You? Nice? I think I would have to be drunk to believe that. Everyone in thebuilding is terrified of you. It’s like they think that you’re going to eat their souls if they get too close to you.”
“I try to stay out of the drama. You haven’t lived here long, but this building can be like high school sometimes. There was one man who slept his way through all of the single women in the building. Two of them got pregnant and then gave birth within days of each other.”
Her eyes widen as she leans forward with that mischievous smile. “No way. How did that go?”
“About as well as someone would think it was going to go. The mothers were both in the hospital at the same time. Some of the nurses wanted to put them in the same room to see what would happen. I think the guy booked a vasectomy a week or two after that.”
“Do they still live in the building?”
I pour the last of the batter into the waffle maker. “Nope. I think all of them live in a house out in Rochester now.”
Izzy takes a long sip of her coffee. “Damn. I could have used a little excitement around here. Especially if we’re going to be the talk of the building.”
I swallow hard, the possibilities of the gossip that will circulate spinning around in my head. I hadn’t thought about the building and their tendency to gossip.
What are they going to say about us?
To distract myself, I pile waffles high on Izzy’s plate and try not to think about what a distraction she is for me. Between the gossip that is likely to come and considering cutting back myhours to spend more time with her, I don’t know who I am these days.
Izzy moans around a mouthful of waffle, dancing in her seat. “You’re going to have to give me the recipes for these. I can’t believe how good they are.”
“I’ll make them for you again sometime.”
She smiles and cuts away another bite-sized piece with the side of her fork. “I’d like that.”
“What were you thinking of doing for the rest of the day?”
“Oliver!” She gasps, her hand flying to her heart. “Are you about to ask me on a second date?”
“Well, if you didn’t have anything else going on, I was thinking about it.” My tone is teasing as I pour myself my own mug of coffee. “But now that you’re acting like a brat, I might reconsider.”